31: Accident

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Warning: there's a seen that might not be comfortable for some readers



Katrine's POV



"Where were you?!" Brooklyn's boyfriend shouts before pushing past me to get to her.

"Uhm b-babe I told you I-I was going out with Kat-"

He grabs her by the arm, giving it a really tight squeeze that's even making her want to cry. I want to do something, to hit him and take off running with Brook. I can't believe she's letting him treat her like that.

"Leave her alone." I finally say, the words faintly come out of my mouth; not loud enough.

"What?" He snaps at me, but doesn't let go of Brook. I can see her eyes water a bit as she signs me to leave it all alone. I know she doesn't want me to do anything about it-- anything about her boyfriend's behavior, but I can't let him win. Brook doesn't deserve someone like him, dear lord nobody does.

I took a step forward, almost face-to-face with him if I were to be just a bit taller. Right when I was about to give him a piece of my mind, he was then pulled away from me.

"C'mon babe." Brook says, tugging on his shirt so he could follow her.

"Yeah, lets get out of here." He scoffs, scanning my body from head to toe as if I were to be joke.

But before they left, Brook whispered something to me. "Call you later," and with that they left, leaving me alone.

• • • • •

"Hey." Niall cheerily greets as I enter his apartment. He moved out of his parent's house since he got into a huge fight with them.

"Hey." I greet back, but I didn't sound happy as it came out as a mumble.

I sat down on the couch, and he did the same. He picked up my legs to place them on his lap before taking off my shoes. He began to massage the soul of my foot, making me let out a small moan from the pleasure of him taking all the tension out.

"Thanks, Ni." I say while he continues to work the magic on my feet.

"So, what's wrong? You seem a bit scared and sad."

I bury my face in my hands, trying not to start crying. I'm not much of a person to cry a lot, but seeing my best-friend maybe being abused by her boyfriend hurts me so much. She has always been a sister to me, and today I've failed on taking care of her like she always did for me.

"Hey, hey it's okay." Niall begins to calm me as I start to want to cry.

"No it's not. Brook is..." I stop talking as I start to think of what I'm gonna say. I can't tell Niall about Brook-- he will freak out and want to beat him up. Plus, I'm not completely sure if her boyfriend is actually abusing her, maybe he acted this way today 'cause he got worried of where she might have been.

"Brook is just sick," I lie. "and I'm worried for her."

Niall caressed my cheek before giving me a small smile. "Want to go see if she's okay? We can buy her some soup and-"

I interrupt him. "No it's okay. I already checked up on her before making my way here."

I feel like I'm a good lier, but I also feel bad for lying to Niall. But a small lie never hurts anyone, right? It's just a simple small white lie.

"So..." Niall moves my legs away as he hovers over me. His hot breath hits the skin on my chest, forming goosebumps all over me. He smirks as he slowly bites on his bottom lip.

"...I'm gonna spin your world." He huskily roars in my ear before attacking my neck with kisses. He nibbles and sucks on the sensitive skin of my neck, leaving hickeys behind. My hands travel up to his hair, giving a tight grip on the roots before pulling a little.

He lets out a small moan as he trails his lips even further down, reaching my color bone. Then he stops, and stares at my shirt before looking up at my eyes.

"May I?" He innocently asks. I nod, because this boy has turned me on so bad that I can't form words to come out of my mouth.

As soon as he got my permission he didn't hesitate on taking my shirt off; throwing it to the floor. He grabbed me again, passionately kissing me on the lips, both of us laugh as he struggles on taking off his pants.

"Let me help you." I offer as I play with the hem of his pants. Without waiting for a response I get off the couch and I drop on my knees in between his legs.

I keep eye contact with him the whole time as I pull his pants down his legs, yanking them off at the end. I can see the bulge raise up, and his boxers get tight around his waist. His breathing gets uneven, becoming rapid as the lust in his eyes become deeper with color.

Right before anything else happened, my phone starts to ring. I was too focused on Niall that I didn't pay attention to it until it called again.

"Ugh." I groan out loud, complaining under my breath as I get up to check on my phone.

I had two missed calls from a number I don't recognized, so I decided on calling them back so they can piss off.

"Miss Evergreen?" A woman on the other line questions.

"Uh yeah. Who is this?"

"I'm sorry to inform you that your friend Brooklyn is in the hospital in this very moment."

My heart drops. It feels as if frost is spreading inside of me, tingling as it delicately forms into shapes of spikes. I hear a high pitch sound that vibrates inside my ear; that nobody else can. My focus becomes blurry, and I block out of everything surrounding me.

"Ma'am, are you still there?" The woman asks.

"W-what happened to her?"

The woman stayed quiet for a few seconds, only hearing the sound of flipping papers and tapping the keys on the keyboard.

"We don't know what caused the accident, but her whole body is covered in deep wounds and large bruises. The body looks as if it has ben hit by a car multiple times."

Hey! I've been trying to find the time to update but I've been getting back from school really tired because of all the tests and homework. I've also been having lack of sleep since I go to bed till 10pm and I wake up at 5am to get ready. Sometimes I don't even fall asleep till midnight :/

I've also been having a lot of problems at home so that also blocks me from writing.

I didn't have much inspiration on writing for this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed

All the love
-me lol

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