18 (Bet)

91 10 8

Katrine's POV

I blasted the song Coffee by Miguel in my white Solo Beats.

I dressed myself in a black spaghetti strap shirt with my light grey skinny jeans. I wrapped my red and blue flannel shirt around my waist, and I also wore my black combat boots.

I rarely used any makeup; but when I did, I would just touch up with some mascara and a very thin line of eyeliner down my waterline.

This morning I'm in a too good of a mood since what happened to me a few days ago.

How can Nick be my brother? That's impossible. It's also ridiculous. I mean he proposed to me for God's sake!

I shake that thought off my mind, I can't think of this right now. Today I will just go to school, be at the corner of everything and just disappear into my own world; like I always do.

I don't think Brook will be sitting with me in lunch since now she has a boyfriend, and she wants to spend every second attached to him.

I open the door to my room and I speed through the steps of the stairs. I went in the kitchen to grab my keys before walking out.

"No breakfast?" I heard my dad ask from the kitchen. He has a mug in his hand, and a notebook in the other.

"I'm not hungry. Plus I'm gonna be late for school." He nods with a small smile before I left.

I get in my Chevrolet truck, starting the engine before driving away. I turn off the music in my beats, and I transfer the music to my car so I could listen to it out loud.

"Pick a star in the sky, we could both say goodbye all night." I sing along to the song.

It didn't take long to get to school. I park my car in my spot before quickly going in the school building. It's not that I'm late, I just don't like people.

The hallways are starting to get full, so I go to my locker. I grab my History binder and notebook before closing my locker.

"Kat!" I hear someone shout my name. I hold on my binder and notebook tight against my chest before turning around.

"Hey! Long time no see eh." Nick smiles. I scan his face and body. He looks nothing like me! How can he possible be related to me?!

"Is something wrong?" he looks at me worriedly. "You're holding your binder so tight that your knuckles are turning white." He laughs a little, a bit of nervousness behind it.

I shake my head. "Nah nothing's wrong." I try to sound casual. "Uhm I need to go to class now." I hide my head down, and I speed-walk towards my first period class.

"Katrine wait!" I hear him shout again. What can he possibly want now?

"Yes Nick?" I say, trying not to sound irritated, which I am.

"Do you wanna go somewhere next week? I was thinking we could go to an open live concert or-"

"Nick I need to tell you something." I interrupt him. How can I easily say that I'm his sister?

"I'm your-"

"Jonas catch!" A guy shouts from the other side of the hallway. He runs towards him and tosses him a football. Nick catches it before throwing it back. They both laugh before having a bro hug or whatever the fuck it's called.

"So," he pulls his focus back to me with a smile. "What were you gonna say?"

I swallow hard on the lump in my throat. I try to fake a smile, but I don't think I accomplished it. "I'll talk to you later. Just meet me at Study Hall after school okay?" He nods before grabbing the ball off of his friend. I hear him laugh along with another group of guys while I walk away.

• • • •

"Do you know when and why was Jamestown established?" I ask the clueless Freshman in front of me.

The teacher told me she would give me extra credit if I would tutor some Freshmen in the learning help program. Basically those student can only suck up a small amount of information at a time, making it hard to keep up in class with the others. So the students that are in this program, and are in their Freshman year then that means that their mind's only remember the basic middle school history.

I point at the small dot in her textbook that says in bold letters; Jamestown. "It was the first permanent English settlement. Basically the first colony in the British empire. They named the land Virginia in honor of the Virgin queen, also known as Queen Elizabeth the first. Jamestown was then established in May 14, 1607."

"Oh yeah I remember!" She beams me a smile. "I learned that back in eighth grade." She laughs a little.

I smile back. "What else do you need help in?"

She narrows her eyes before looking through her book. She then lands in a page, and points at the sub title.

"I need help on this."

I turn the textbook around to look at the tittle. "The trail of tears," I read. "Okay. That's easy." I turn the textbook around so it faces her, and I press my index finger on my bottom lip.

"Okay well back in 1838 and 39 a Indian removal act was passed that forced the Cherokee to migrate west of the Mississippi River. It was horrible because many of them died throughout the rout. That's why it's called the Trail of tears."

The girl face palms herself. "Duh! Omg how could I forget about that?" She snorts, causing a few eyeballs to stare at us.

"Ew. That's disgusting." A diva looking girl says right next to us. She pops her gum while looking at us like we were to be animals.

The girl I'm tutoring, which I believe her name is Makayla, looks down, hiding her face with her long, thick black hair.

"So is your nose. Ever thought about getting a nose job?" I mockingly spat at the girl.

She gasps, and covers her nose. She quickly gets up and runs to the girls bathroom.

"Thanks." Makayla says, still not looking up.

"No problem kid. I enjoy returning karma to the bitches. If it were to be a job, damn I would totally want to work there."

She giggles before looking up. "You're funny. I bet you have many friends so they can listen to you."

I look away. "Nah. I only have one, and I'm still trying to find out if the second one is my friend." I'm talking about Niall. Can I already considered him as a friend? So much happened that I'm scared of trusting someone who has taken advantage over that power.

"Okay. Let's continue with the lesson."

• • • •

I take my tray to my usual spot at the cafeteria. I look around, trying to see if I could spot Brook. I then see her, but she's with her boyfriend and a group of guys. So I shrug it off before sitting down. Like always, I'm alone.

I take out my phone, pretending to text so nobody thinks I'm a loner. When I do this I go to my notes, and I just type random letter.

A few seconds later and someone approaches to me. I look up and it's Brook.

"Hey." I say.

She sits down, and looks at me straight in the eyes. "Are you fiddling around with Niall?"

"What? No! What makes you think that?!" I was almost shouting, but I kept my voice only in between us.

"I was with the guys over there and they were talking about how you and Niall have been having some sort of chemistry. I heard one of them say you were part of a bet they made."


"I think they were betting for who gets in your pants first, and I think Niall is in the lead."

Aye! Sorry I haven't updated :( I've been having some problems that took some of my inspiration to write. I won't leave y'all.

I just hope I get better with all this drama that's happening.

Anyways I hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short, but the next one won't.

Check out my new story Fix me please!
Love you!

Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora