24: Day Two

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Hey I'm back!!!
Did y'all listen to the new song One Direction released?

It's called Drag me down
Omg I can't stop listening to it

Hope you enjoy!

Katrine's POV

Today's the second day for me to give a hug to Niall. I'm gonna admit it, it is kinda weird, but special in the same time.

I know Niall wants to do this because he doesn't want to let me go, but I have to. My parents always told me that you should never keep what hurts you. I guess that's why my father let my mother go-- he didn't want her to hurt us.

I walked down the parking lot to the school, having to meet up with Niall at the entrance.

I finally saw his blond hair next to benches of the school's entrance. I took in a deep breath, and I started to walk towards him.

When he soon heard my footsteps, he quickly turned around to me, and smiled.

"I thought you weren't gonna show up." A breath of relief slips from his mouth as he nervously chuckles.

"Well we did make a deal."

His eyebrows narrow in confusion as he takes a step towards me. His face expression is a mixture of hurt and regret, as if all of this is just a bad idea.

"...So you're never going to change your mind? I'm just wasting my time huh?" His voice is low, and I feel like just crawling in a hole and suffocating myself in there.

"No you're not... it's just complicated. You're getting what you want out of this. I think it's best that after these few more hugs we do what I want-"

"And that is to disappear out of each other's lives."

He looks down to his feet, wanting to ignore my stare. I nod, even though I know he can't see me, but I still do so.

"Do you know why I picked this place as our second spot?" He asks after a few minutes of silence.

I look around. This is the school-- I mean we always see each other here and it's a very common place, so there can be a million reasons why.

"No." I shake my head. A small smile appears on his face as he looks back up. So innocent looking, yet he has hurt me more than once before.

"Well remember how we went to the lake yesterday? That was the place we first met a few years back. Well a couple of days later we bumped into each other here in school. You looked at me in shock before you quickly ran away."

A smile creeped onto the surface of my face. He remembers all of this?

"You remember?"

He chuckles before he pushed his hair back. "Of course. How could I forget?"

I grabbed him into a hug, but before a second more could pass, I felt him dissolving away from my grip.

"Bye Katrine." He gently took my arms away from him, and walked away.

I'm sorry this chapter sucked :/

I know it's short but I'm so busy with life that I couldn't find time to write.

Plus I just left Florida and I'm going back to my humble of home and there's so much to do ughhhhh

Double update later today!!!


Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora