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I was mad while writing this chapter so there might be some intense scenes. It just depends on the reader

Hope you like it.
Love you.

Katrine's POV

Everything happened so fast. My whole life went in a speed that not many can handle. I can still remember when I was two; just a little innocent toddler that didn't know there was more to the world then just the inside of the house, and the backyard.

Now I'm here, a 17 year old teenage girl who's in a dark street while held at gunpoint by some guy.

"Don't move or I'll shoot." His voice is ruff, like coming from some gang member or some street roamer.

I turn around, slowly putting my hands up in defeat. When my eyes land on his I realize that the guy isn't much older than me, maybe we're the same age.

When I open my mouth to speak, he interrupts me by quickly grabbing me by the arm, and twists it behind my back, then shoves the end of the gun on my temple.

"Give me everything you have." His hot breath hits my face, with a bloody metallic smell behind it.

"I-I only have my p-phone-"

"Don't lie!" In one swift his hand that was holding my arm back quickly does one move, wrapping it around my neck, and shoving me against the brick building wall.

He applies force on my neck, making the air impossible to be taken inside by my lungs. I gasp for air, but somehow it feels like the oxygen around me is floating away from me, leaving nothing behind.

As he sees me suffering to take in the oxygen, his satisfying grin of evil begins to grow on his face.

He's slowly trying to kill me, trying so hard so he can see a human being like him just suffer, and die on the hands of him.

I begin to give up, I can't find the strength to push him off, or to continue trying to inhale the oxygen. So I close my eyes, and I let him finish me.

So I guess this is it...

A few seconds after I hear a voice, but my body was already beginning to die that it sounded faded away, like being underwater and hearing people speak from above.

Then the guy's hand slips away from my neck, and I feel my body drop to the hard, cold cement ground. I take in as much oxygen as possible, followed by coughs and small gasps. I try to open my eyes but they only open half way, twitching a little.

My vision is a little blurry, but I can see that there's someone else, someone fighting the guy that had me at gunpoint.

Someone out of the two guys falls down, followed up by a gunshot. I close my eyes, and warm tears roll down the corner from them. My tears become heavier, and my body turns colder.

Then everything went blank.

• • •

I open my eyes as the sound of wind blowing outside gets louder and harder.

A take a few seconds for myself, just to let me refocus on everything that happened.

Then it snaps me. Wasn't I in the streets? Now where am I?

I sit up from the bed I was laying on. I look around, and it seems like I'm in a teenage boy's room.

This is my fucking second time waking up in some random room.

Moments shortly after looking around, the door to the room slowly opens. "Hey. How you feelin'?" Niall asks with a small smile on his face.

His hair is shuffled around, like after having a crazy night before. He's wearing some dark sweatpants, maybe even joggers, with a black T-shirt that says where's the pizza printed in white letters.

Wallflower || NHDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora