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Katrine's POV

Niall's beautiful voice fills the air around us, ringing inside of me. He smiles while he sings and plays his guitar.

"Where do broken hearts go?" He slowly finished the song.

He puts his guitar down, and takes off his flower crown. He kneels down on one leg, and raised the flower crown up.

"Katrine," he begins to speak. "May I have your forgiveness? I'm so sorry for what happened."

I don't want to forgive him, because he hurt me. I feel like he used me when he kissed me, and then embarrassed me. But this boy knows how to get inside my mind in seconds.

"All I want to know, is why did you do that?" I say with my arms crossed on my chest.

He stands up, and puts the flower crown on my head, then removes a chunk of hair that was blocking half my face, and puts it behind my ear.

My skin shivers a little from his touch. I hope he didn't notice.

"They don't want me to hang out with you. They just see you as an object, but I don't see you that way. The reason why I covered my eyes when I said you were making me blind was because I didn't want you to see the fear in them."

Our bodies are close to each other. I can feel the air in my lungs escaping from me, but I start to regain it back.

"I don't think I can trust you anymore." I say looking away, but once I moved my head, he put his hand under my chin, and moved me to face him.

"You don't have to trust me all at once. Lets just take things step by step until I don't seem like a stranger to you."

"It's not that you're a stranger to me, I'm a stranger to you. You don't even remember that we used to talk in our freshman year."

That's how I slowly began to have feeling for him. He was my best-friend in 9th grade. We used to talk to each other about everything. But then he gained popularity and joined the soccer team that he then started to drift away from me. I turned into dust, and was forgotten in his past. I was just that one grain of sand lost with the others. The rest of his group of 'friends' then brained washed him, and made him believe that he's only supposed to talk to the popular kids at school. And to hate and bully the ones like me.

"You're not a stranger to me." He said, breaking me from my flashback in my head.

"Then how come you couldn't even remember my name? When we bumped in the hallway I had to act like we never had known each other."

He scratched the back of his neck, and shifted on his feet.

"I had to do that because they were looking. I just don't want to hurt you anymore."

After a few moments of silence, I finally made up my mind.

"This is your last chance. You ruin it and you will never have my forgiveness ever again. You understand?"

He immediately nods. "Yes. I won't ruin it."

He grabs me into a hug, and looks at me in the eyes when we pull away.

"Lets just not get seen together in school. If they see us then they will hurt you even worse, but I promise I'll do anything for them not to get near you."

I smile at the fact that he will protect me, but will act like a jerk when they see me around at the hallways.

I just wish people wouldn't judge others for the way they think or act.


~Next day~

Niall and I decided to go for a morning jog; to remember the memories from when we were in our freshmen year.

While we were at the park, we challenged each other to see who would run the farthest; he always won. I only won once, but I know he let me win.

After the morning jog we went to go get some frozen yogurt.

I would check my phone once in a while, and notice that I got a lot of calls and texts from Nick. I didn't answer his calls, nor his texts because I was spending the day with Niall.

"What flavor?" Niall asks me once we got in the small cold shop.

"Uhm I would like birthday cake flavor." I chose after scanning the small menu at the wall.

Niall looked through the menu several times, and finally decided on chocolate fudge cake flavor.

We sat in a booth, and we both talked about what has been going on so we could catch up with each other.

Niall would talk about his soccer team, and how they have a huge game in two weeks from now.

When Niall and I were close in 9th grade, my mother still didn't disappear at that time, so Niall doesn't know that my mom passed away.

"So how has your mom been doing?" He asked.

Niall was also close to my mom, not in a creepy way, but in a family way. My mom thought he was really sweet and funny, and always enjoyed every visit he would make.

"She uhm, well she passed away." I say, looking down to hide my face.

"Oh my I'm so sorry." He apologized, putting his spoon down, and stopped eating.

"It's okay. How's your family?"

He took a big gulp before picking up his spoon. "They're okay I guess. My mom and my dad have been arguing a lot lately, and my brother moved out so I'm pretty lonely at home."

"Everything will be okay." I say to comfort him.

"I hope so."

• • •

It's already nine, and Niall dropped me off at home. We both said our goodbyes and goodnights before going our separate ways.

When I laid down on my bed, my phone went off again. I picked up the call, not knowing who it is.

"Hello?" I say while putting my pajamas on.

"You finally answer." Nick says, releasing a deep breath.

"What's up?" I lay back down, and I stare at my ceiling glow stars.

"Can I crash over at your place just for one night please?" His voice was a bit low, and he sounded hurt.

"Of course."

"Okay be there like in ten."

• • •

"Hey." I greet him when I opened the door. He greeted me back, and stepped in.

"So what did you do all day?" He asks.

"I just spent the whole day with Niall, and you?"

"Niall?" His face twitched, and anger formed inside of him.

"Yeah I-"

He hits the wall next to me with all his strength, making his muscles in his arms get tight. He's wearing a muscle shirt, so his whole body is covered with throbbing muscles that will rip off his skin in any second.

"Why in the world would you even be near that little piece of shit?!"

"Nick calm down!" I almost yell.

He hits the wall again, but this time he makes a hole through it.

"What the fuck is your problem?!" I remove his hand from the wall, and I throw it to his side.

"He's dangerous. He's just warming you up so he can use you in the future."

"Nick what are you talking about?"

He pulls out his phone, and shows me something. It seems like a list of names, and mine is at the very bottom, the only one that doesn't have a red line crossing it out.

"That's a list of girls he made sex with. He's going to use you as a sex slave."

Sorry I didn't update soon. I'm really busy with school and at home.

Hope you liked the chapter!
Love you!💕

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