xix. and right before you go blind, p.s.

682 45 10

"I hate that you're making me do this."

"I want your full name baby. No Nett or Anni. I want it all."

"I know." She huffs, preparing her tattoo gun. "Why'd you wait this long to get this?"

"This special to me. I want to wait until you able to do it."

"Well, the nigga that did your sleeve could've done it just as well, if not better."

"But it not mean a damn thing compared to you doing it." He says, looking at her. "I want you to put your name on me because I love you, not the nigga that do this shit." He says, looking at the tattoo sleeve. "I am in love with you."

"I'm in love you you too, baby." Anni says, smiling softly at him.

"So you gonna do it or-"

"Yeah, I guess I can-"


"Yes, Jay?" Anni asks, turning to look at her first born son with a raised eyebrow.

Sometimes, when she looked at him, she'd see him as that adorable little infant she had given birth to, not an eleven year old boy that was already in sixth grade. He was growing up so fast. Too fast.

And every time she thought like that, she felt like her mother, who was all about reminiscing and showing baby pictures of damn near everyone.

"When you're done with dad's tattoo, can I have one?"

"Nope." Anni says, popping the p and turning to her supplies. "When you're older, yeah, but not now."

"But momma, look at-"

"Yes, I know. His sleeve is fantastic. Very well done." Anni says absent mindedly, making sure she had everything. This tattoo wouldn't be her first, but she was still nervous.

"But you know momma does better." Larry says, grabbing Jayden and pulling him in close, making the boy giggle. "So when you get your first tattoo, it has to be from her."

"But not now, Jay." Anni says, looking up. "When you are eighteen, I'll give you any tattoo you want."

"So now give me any tattoo I want, Nettie. You're beautiful name, Annette Leticia Bourgeois."

"Isn't that a bit drastic, Larry?" Anni asks, feeling nervous again. What if she messed up? She wouldn't want to permanently fuck up Larry's skin. She loved his skin. "What if you have some affair with a young hot secretary and-"

"Annette, don't fucking play with me." He says, making Jayden gasp. "Excuse my language Jayden." Depsite the words, Anni still reached over and hit him.

"You hitting me, but I outta beat yo ass for thinking stupid shit." He mutters, giving her a slight glare and making her roll her eyes. She already knew what was coming. A lecture.

"Jayden, go upstairs, okay baby?" Anni says, looking over at him and he nods, scrambling away.

He could already tell the two of them were going to 'argue'. He couldn't really call them arguments because the 'arguments' are almost always filled with words of love, reassurance and kisses, but he didn't know what else to call them.

Maybe lectures of love. Who knows. He was glad that they weren't full on arguments like other parents. The two of them could be throwing things at each other, yelling at the top of their lungs, bringing him into it, and destructive things like that. He's thankful he got this type of family instead.


"Larry, it was a joke-"

"You know I don't love anyone else. I can never love anyone else-"

"Larry, I know that-"

"Then why you say that?"

"It was a joke-"

"No it wasn't." He says, crossing his arms. "You seem to forget that I know you better than I know myself."

Anni crosses her arms and looks away, making him sigh.

"Annette Leticia Bourgeois, I think I remember telling you and only you, in that beautiful, long white wedding dress you wore while staring at me teary eyed at the altar, 'I do' on the perfect date of A-"

"I know, Larry, I know." Anni says, unable to keep a small smile off her face. "I'm pretty sure I was there, standing in that long white dress and almost unbearable heels."

"And since you were there, I think that proves I love you and only you with all my heart. There are no other girls. No secretaries, no one but you. I am so very much in love with you."

"I know, and you show it Larry, but I've seen the way those girls look at you and Lau. They see two devilishly handsome men in suits and can't handle themselves."

"You can't handle yourself when I'm in a suit either, so what the problem?"

"Larry!" She groans, reaching out to hit him, but he leans back and catches her hand, laughing.

"Okay, baby, you know I'm joking." He says, stroking his thumb over her hand. "And I see how men look at you all the time and you don't know how bad I want to drag them to an alley and just get rid of them. But I don't do that, and I don't get insecure because I know that you want me only. Right?"


"Okay then, baby." He says, pulling her into his arms and kissing the top of her head. "Now, I want your name right here." He says, showing her the inside of his left wrist. "Right on the vein baby."

"That sounds painful, Larry."

"Loving you is painful, but you worth it. And so is this, so chop chop." He says, letting go of her and clapping his hands. "Let's get to it. You can do it however you want, I just want your whole name."

"Jackson or Bourgeois?" She asks, a small smirk on her face. He turns to her, giving her an expressionless look and she laughs. "Jackson it-"

"You better not put Jackson. We married, you put Bourgeois." He says. "Right here." He says, pointing at his wrists. "No more games, Annette."

"Why here? Why not on your back or-"

"It have the same purpose as our wedding ring. It gon be apart of the arm- the vein, that attached to my heart. So not only is your ring attached to my heart, but your name is too, showing the world that you own me."


"And I'm expecting the same shit, right on your arm, the same place." He says with a slight attitude, not noticing her teary eyes.

"Of course baby."  

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