xv. sex drive when you swerve

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Niko paces back and forth. She didn't know what to do. She needed to make things right, and even though Anni said stay away, she knew staying away wasn't going to fix anything. She swallows, ringing the doorbell and tries to calm her nervous heart. The worst Anni could do was attack her. And then, once she gets her anger out, Niko will be able to talk to her, hopefully.

The door opens, and Niko lets out a breath, closing her eyes tightly. She didn't get a fist to the face, so it must not have been Anni.

"What you want?" Larry asks, his voice making her shiver. She slowly opens her eyes, trying her hardest not to give him the once over by failing. He was in nothing in basketball shorts and she was able to admire his abs and almost see an outline of his- "Why you standing here? You gon leave or what?"

"I-I just wanted to say-"

"No one wanna hear what you saying. You shouldn't be over here. You should leave."

"I wanted to apologize to Anni for-"

"If you was sincere, it would've been done. Your apology won't do nothing now. It don't mean shit anymore." Larry says, leaning again the door frame. "You too late. You way too late."

"Larry, can I just-"

"No, there nothing now. Is nothing. You fucked up big time and now you wanna change things? Like you didn't make a conscious effort to fuck with Anni? You know the only reason why you got with Lamar was to fuck with her. You not care about him, you not love him. You wanted to get back at Anni because you're selfish."


Larry rolls his eyes. "Why you still here whining and crying? You've done enough."

"Larry, just please let me speak to her."

Larry looks behind him before stepping forward with a huff and out of the house. He quietly closes the door behind him and turns to Niko, who stiffens.

The look in his eyes was something she's never seen from him. Dark, cold, and very intimidating. She's never thought she'd be scared of Larry because he always seemed so sweet and melancholy. It was as if he'd never been mad before. Well, not in front of her. If she knew this was the look he did when he was mad, she would've never liked him.

"Leave Annette alone." Larry slowly says, his voice low and devoid of any emotion. It chilled her. "Because I not want to get involved. And if I get involved, people end up missing." He says, causing her to shake. "So, get the fuck off this porch and away from this house. Or else."

His threat did much more to her than Laurent's did. Maybe because Laurent held back. Laurent tried to scare her, but he didn't make it that serious. Laurent's threat was... too concerned. It was filled with worry and she had no reason to really heed that warning. There wasn't any base to it. This one hurt. Maybe because it was from Larry and she still harbored some feelings for him. So to hear him speak like this to her-

"You need help or somethin?" He growls out, making her jump.

"N-no, I'm fine."

"Do you want me to walk you to your car?"

"N-no. I'll... I'll see you around."

"Avoid me." Larry says, turning his back on her and walking back into the house.

Her heart hurt. She would never be happy. There wasn't any break for her. She would be forever alone and no one would be there to help her.

She's lost all her friends trying to get back at Anni, and for why?

Niko sniffs, walking back to her car. She felt sick. She just wanted to make things right, but it was too late. There wasn't anything she could do now.

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