iv. girl you test my patience

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He hands her the honey bun, making her smile. "Thanks." She says.

Two whole months. They had been together for two whole months and no one knew. It's not that she wanted to keep things hidden, that's just how things were.

"Anni, can I... can I talk to you?" Tai asks, stopping at the table. Niko looks up at Tai, a small encouraging smile on her face.

He must finally be doing it. He must finally be confessing to her.

"Finally." Niko breathes as Anni gets up.

"I'll be back." Anni says, looking at everyone. It was her, Larry, Laurent, Niko and Victoria.

"Kay." Victoria says, smiling widely.

"Take your time." Niko says, waving her hand. "Have fun."

Anni looks at Larry, who kept his eyes glued on her. She gives him a small reassuring smile. "Alright. I'll be back." She says, walking away from the table.

"Finally." Niko says, her smile widening.

"What was that all about?" Victoria asks, looking at Niko.

"Well, I guess Tai's finally telling Anni his feelings for her."

"I knew it!" Victoria laughs. "I knew Tai liked Anni."

"How does Tai like Annette?" Larry asks, making the two girls look at him.

"Tai likes Anni like how... Stephon liked Niko."

"Stephon liked Niko?" Laurent asks, laughing.

"It was an old crush." Niko says, waving them off. "Here, Tai is in love with Anni."

"Really?" Larry asks, frowning.

"Yeah, he told me. And I think she likes him too." Niko says, smiling. "They'd make such a cute couple."

"You think so?" Victoria asks, looking at Niko.

"Of course. Like, the dynamic between the two is just-" They were cut off by Larry getting up and leaving. Niko frowns watching Laurent also get up to follow his brother. "Come on." Niko says, getting up and following the two.

Anni bites her bottom lip. "Tai, I'm so sorry." She mutters, running a hand through her hair. "But, I just... I can't-"

"Annette." Larry says, interrupting her. He pushes past Tai, purposely bumping his shoulder. "Come with me."

"We were having a conversation dude." Tai says, irritated.

Larry slowly turns to face Tai, an eyebrow raised. He smirks a bit, shaking his head and turning back to Anni. He pulls Anni to him, kissing her in front of everyone.

Laurent sucks his teeth, shaking his head. Larry would make a scene instead of just telling people.

"Yo, what the fuck?" Tai asks, taking a step back. Larry pulls away from Anni, who stumbled back a bit, her eyes wide. She wasn't expecting that. His kisses always made her feel weak. "Why did you kiss her?"

"She's my girlfriend." Larry says, turning to Tai. "Is what you're supposed to do when you're with someone. You kiss them and you love them, no?"

"I didn't..."

"How long?" Niko asks, causing Anni to look over.

"Oh my God, you guys all came." She says, looking at them. Even Stephon, who had seen Niko following Laurent and Victoria following her, was there and had witnessed the confession.

"How long have you been with him, Anni?" Niko asks, unable to keep the anger out of her voice.

"Why are you getting mad, Niko?" Anni asks.

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