iii. know just what you want

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"You and Larry seem close." Tai says, leaning against the lockers beside hers.

"Yeah." Anni says, pulling out her math book. "I guess you could say that."

"You guess? Nigga follows you like a newborn puppy sometimes." Stephon says. "And he always sits in between you and his brother at lunch. I swear, y'all got something going on."

"And Niko doesn't like it..." Tai mutters.

"First off, we don't have anything going on. We're just friends, just like how the two of you and I are friends." Tai looks down, wincing slightly at Anni's words.

He didn't want to be just friends with her. That's why he had a problem with her and Larry getting close.

"Second, why would Neeks have a problem with my friendship with Larry?" Anni asks, closing the locker and looking at them. The two stay silent and Anni tilts her head. "Tai, you said the shit. Speak."

"It slipped out. I didn't mean to say it."

"That doesn't matter. You said some shit now you have to explain yourself. That's how the world works."

"Anni, just let-"

"Okay, I shouldn't have asked you anyway. It ain't your shit to tell. I'll just as Niko herself." Without another word, Anni walked off, leaving the two.

"Stupid ass." Stephon says, slapping Tai's chest. "You know Niko said not to say shit about what she told us to Anni."

"I didn't do it on purpose."

"Yes you did." Stephon says, crossing his arms. "You know Anni feeling Bourgeois, so you said some slick shit. You know how Niko is with her crushes."

"Anni is not feeling him."

"Well she sure ain't feeling you, Tai." Stephon says, making Tai grimace.

"What went up yo ass and fucked you over?" Tai asks, growing angry.

"The fact that you putting people's shit out there. Niko told us to keep that shit to ourselves and there you go, dropping hints and shit."

"It was a fucking accident. Calm the fuck down." Tai says, walking off. Stephon rolls his eyes, watching as Tai goes the opposite way before leaving, following where Anni went.

Anni taps her foot, waiting for Niko's response. "Well? Is there a problem with me being his friend, Niko?"

"No. Why would you think that." Niko asks, frowning at her attitude.


"Anni!" Stephon says, grabbing her arm. "Let me talk to you for a second."

"Stephon, I'm in the middle of something right now." Anni says, but he pulls her away anyway, quickly leaving Niko.

"Anni, shut the fuck up." Stephon says, letting go of her and pushing her up against the wall. He slams his hands on each side of her, keeping her in place and leans forward, whispering his next words. "Tai wasn't supposed to say shit about Niko. He got a big mouth because-"


Anni turns her head, looking at Larry. "Larry." She says.

"I was looking everywhere for you." He says, walking over. Stephon backs away slowly. "I want to go home."

"Sorry Larry. I kinda got caught up in some shit."

"I see." Larry looks at Stephon, who was watching him. Larry grabs Anni's hand and pulls her away, not letting her say goodbye.

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