viii. communication save relations

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"Would you hate me if I was a bad person?" Larry asks, watching Anni prepare dinner.

"No." She says, carefully placing the chicken in the sizzling pan. He liked watching her cook. He liked watching her do a lot of things. Everything about her interested him. "Everyone has a bad seed in them. It's just how they deal with it. If they let that badness consume them and become a bad person, then they are a bad person. If they try their best to stay good and ignore those bad thoughts, then they are a good person."

"I think I'm a bad person." He says, making her turn to face her.

"Why- Shit!" She hisses, moving back to get from popped by the grease. She rubs her arm, moving over to the counter island he was sitting at. "Why?"

"No reason. I just think that."

"You aren't Larry." She says, smiling. "You're a great person."

He gives her a small smile. "Go check the green beans baby."

She chuckles, turning her back on him and his smile falls. He was a bad person. He didn't deserve anything. He ruined things, therefore things should be ruined for him. He didn't deserve someone as beautiful and perfect as Anni. He didn't deserve to see her like this and hope that one day she'll be doing this in a house he bought just for them and their growing family. He didn't deserve to want to see a ring around her finger and her in a beautiful white dress, walking down the aisle to meet him.

He didn't deserve love.

He frowns, laying his head down on the counter and tightly closing his eyes. "Annette, do you love me?"

"Yes. Very much." She responds.


"Because you're a great person. Because everything about you is beautiful."

"Why you lie?" He asks, lifting his head up. Anni frowns, turning to face him.


"I not a great person. Nothing about me and what I do is beautiful. I'm disgusting."

"Larry, you are not-"

"You say that because you not know me." Larry says, shaking his head. "You not understand what I do."

"Larry, I'm pretty sure I know you baby." She chuckles, worried. What if he breaks up with her again? "And, even if I don't, like you say I do, I'll still love you. I'm in love with you Larry, deeply in love, and nothing will be able to change that."

"So, what if I tell you I do bad things every night."

"Like what?" She turns to face him, keeping her eyes on him as she turns the heat down on the stove.

"Like... make drugs with my brother and sell them." Larry breathes, closing his eyes. "And we buy and sell weapons."

Anni pauses, completely facing him. "It's for a good reason, right?" She asks, looking him in his eyes.

"Is for my family."

"Then, it's okay. A lot of people do that. My cousin sells drugs to pay his college tuition." She chuckles, running a hand through her hair. "You do it for the things you care about, there should be no issue."

"I ruin families, Annette. Is no good way to see that. Many women son's in jail because me and my brother. We ruin things. We not good people."

"Well... you have to do what you have to do. I mean, I understand that it isn't the best way to make money, but sometimes you have to destroy to build something new." She says, a slight grimace on her face. It was hard to justify this topic, but she was willing to do it. For Larry.

"You really believe it?"

"Yes Larry." She says, looking at him. "And if you thought that telling me that was going to get rid of me, you're wrong. I love you and no matter what you do or don't do, it won't change that. Okay? So stop thinking every little flaw you have will tear me away from you."

Larry watches as Anni expectantly tries to make eye contact and sighs, smiling. "Don't burn the chicken baby." He says, making her roll her eyes.

"Stop being so damn worried about some chicken and listen to what I'm telling you, Larry."

"I hear you baby." He says, leaning forward, using his elbows to prop himself up. "I love you."

"Love you too."


Larry smiles as Jayden eats his food, a wide smile on his face. "You really outdid yourself Nett." Annett's mother says, making Larry look over. "When did you become such a cook? Trying to show off to your boyfri-"

"Mom." Anni says, interrupting her mother. "Please, just eat." She says, an embarrassed smile on her face.

"Alright, alright. I will." Her mother laughs. "But, this is really good Nett. I'm really proud of you." She says, placing the fork down. "I'm proud of you."

"I am too!" Jayden squeals, making Anni smile.

"You are the best, Annette." Larry says softly, looking over at her.

"What's with the all the sentiments and the emotions?" Anni says, looking around.

"Well, it's just... I'm gonna miss you when you move out."

"I'm not moving out anytime soon, mom." Anni says, shaking her head.

"You'll be going to beauty school, right?"

"Yeah, but I'll still probably stay here with you until I'm able to save up and get a job."

"You know, baby, you never tell me what you gonna learn at beauty school."

"Well, permanent makeup, such as tattoos and stuff, and I wanted to do hair. But my real goal is to be a tattoo artist."

"You draw?"

"Fantastically." Her mother says, her eyes twinkling. "I told her that she could sell her art online or something for a little bit of money, but she hasn't yet." Her mother shakes her head. "She's so good."

"I'm alright." Anni says, looking at Larry. "You know how moms are. She's going to say only good things about me."

"Mommy, can you draw me?" Jayden asks, calling the attention on him.

"I already have, remember Jay? I draw you all the time baby."

"I know, but I wanna be drawn with Uncle Larry now!" Anni blinks, looks over at Larry, who gave Jayden a sweet smile.

"Alright. I'll see." She says, smiling. "Eat your food Jay."

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