xvi. i can see power steering

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"Anni, are you sure you're okay?" Laurent asks, placing a cup of ice tea in front of her.

"Yeah, thanks." Anni mutters, closing her eyes. "I'm good, just a little tired."

"My brother do that for you?" Laurent asks, smirking. Anni gives him a look before rolling her eyes.

"He kept waking me up while we were on the phone last night."

"I know, he tell me you snore in his ear so he couldn't sleep."

"I do not snore!" Anni says, yawning and running a hand over her face. "This summer's dry." She mutters, sipping some of the ice tea.

"It barely start though."

"Yeah, but... summer before college. I wanted to do something fun and exciting." She shrugs. "I just... I really want to get out of town. I can't be here anymore." She nervously chuckles. "My nerves are fried. I've become paranoid and nothing actually happened to me."

"Is not if anything happen or not." Laurent says, crossing his arms. "That not matter. Is the fact that it almost happened. Anni, it could've happened if me and my brother not wonder where you are and hear you. And if it did happen... Lamar not be breathing today."

Anni sighs, closing her eyes. "It doesn't matter. It wasn't that big of a deal. I was getting scared so I overreacted."

"You not overreact." Laurent says, growing angry. She was trying to downplay it as if she wasn't sexually assaulted. "He try to do things with you and you say not. He not listen so you panic and start screaming. Is what you supposed to do, no?"


"If you didn't do it, what you think would've happened?" Laurent asks, crossing his arms. "And if that happen... I wouldn't have been able to stop Larry."

Anni takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm over it."

"Are you sure? Anni, if you want me to just listen, I can."

"No, I'm fine, Lau." She says, shaking her head.

"Okay." Laurent says, sighing. "I try to be there for you because you not have any girl friends on your side anymore."

Anni looks at him and snorts. "I'm actually glad I'm not friends with them anymore. We were too different. We clashed too much. We were barely hanging by a thread."

"What you mean? Things seem fine to me."

"Well, Niko and Kim were going at it a lot, which is hilarious to me because they used to be so close. If it wasn't going to be my and Niko's problem that destroyed everything, it was going to be the problem Kim was going to address. And as much as I like, well, I don't fucking like Kim, I tolerate her."

"You not like Kim? She's cool."

"She's a hoe." Anni says. "Her and Stephon had a thing, and it didn't end well, so Stephon doesn't like her either."

"They had a thing!"

"Yeah." Anni says, nodding.

"They not kiss like they have a thing." Laurent says, making her chuckle.

"The thing with Stephon is that when it comes to anything sexual or romantic, no matter what problems he had with someone, it flies out the window. If Kim had asked for sex, he would've hopped up and did it. He does not care."

"Stephon a hoe too."

"Yeah. A big one." Anni laughs, closing her eyes. "I'm tired."

"When you go to sleep last night?"

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