vii. wish we would fight less

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She huffs, pounding on the door. "Lamar!" She shouts, pounding. "Open this fucking door!" She waits a second before sighing. "Fine! I guess you don't want to see Jay for another week! That's fine-" She was cut off by the door opening, revealing Lamar.

"Fuck you want?"

"Your son is here to see you." Anni says, crossing his arms. "You weren't answering your fucking phone so I had to come down here."

"Man, you so fucking loud." He says, running a hand over his face.

"Baby, who's at the door?"

Anni's eyes flicker to the scantily clad Niko standing behind Lamar. It had been the first time Anni has seen her since. Anni looks her up and down before looking back at Lamar. "I'll come by next weekend." She turns around, ready to walk away.

"Tsk, hold on man." Lamar says, stopping her. "You always bugging. Just give me a second to clean up and shit."

"Alright." Anni says, crossing her arms. "Tell yo girl to go put on some clothes."

"Neek, go put on some pants."

"Yes baby." Niko says, letting her gaze linger on Anni before walking off.

Anni lets out a breath. Niko must have had a thing for Anni's boyfriends, current and past. It didn't matter to her. Lamar was someone Anni couldn't bother to even talk to anymore. The only thing they had in common now was Jayden and Anni hated the fact that Lamar was the father. Sometimes she wished Lamar was a deadbeat and would just leave her alone and stay out of her life for good.

Then she could say that Larry was his real father. Anni sighs, running a hand over her face. She wondered if she could go to court to get things settled, because Anni couldn't stand the sight of Lamar. He always had something to say about her and her parenting. He made it his mission to make comments about her life and the type of dudes she liked. She had to slap him when started talking about Larry and went too far.

"Hmm." Niko hums, leaning against the doorframe. Anni turns her gaze on her before rolling her eyes. "It's nice to see you again, Anni."

"I would say likewise, but it's not." Anni says, crossing her arms.

"You know, me and Lamar are going to be together for a long time."

"Good for you two. Congratulations."

"Wouldn't it be nice to be Jayden's new mommy?"

Anni turns to Niko, a fierce look on her face. "Avoid my fucking son."

"He's Lamar's son too, and Lamar's my nigga." Niko shrugs. "I think instead of Auntie Neeks, I'll have him call me mommy."

Anni lunges for her, knocking the two into the house, Niko's head slamming into the wood floor. Anni looks down at her, a murderous look in her eyes as she chokes Niko.

"Don't ever speak to my fucking son, you hear me! Stay away from Jayden!" Anni says, and Niko places her hands over Anni's trying to pry them off. "Do you fucking hear me?" Anni asks, and with each word she slams her head into the ground. Niko nods shakily, unable to talk and feeling lightheaded. Anni lets go, getting off of her, leaving her on the ground.

Niko stays down, placing a hand to her pounding head and closing her eyes.

Anni looks over, seeing Lamar walk out. "Yo, what the fuck happened?" He asks, moving over to Niko.

"Stay the fuck away from my son." Anni says, moving to leave. Lamar looks at her and rushes over, grabbing her arm and pulling her back.

"What the fuck do you mean? What happened?"

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