SZY Express

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Did you enjoy our first issue? Well, welcome to our second issue. But first, let us read some shout-outs for Spazzy Magazine and the featured letter and artwork of the month.

Shout Outs:

"Had fun reading your magazine, can't wait for the next issue!"


"This is what you call phenomenal."


"Spazzy Magazine is the best magazine on wattpad! Love it!"


"Well done on 1k+ reads. You totally deserve it. Supporting all the way!"


"Oh cool! It's a good magazine!"


"I was kind of amazed on how organized your magazine is, I just browsed it through the topics, I wanted to read it and it was amazing :D Keep it up and Godbless! :D"


"I just read the first issue, it's great! I hope you keep making them. Keep it up!"


Letter of the Month:

I personally think this isn't the kind of magazine you can see on stores. It's a magazine on Wattpad for Wattpad. The magazine is creative and interesting and just plain amazing and I actually think it's really cool that such a large team came together and worked so hard and produced such a brilliant magazine with so many articles! :D I heard that you're second on the list....I'm sure that soon enough, you'll be first.

Keep up the great work!


Artwork of the Month: (See Multimedia)

Made by TylerSummer for the first issue (supposedly), this is our featured artwork for the month. It's spazzy and maybe we should use that text on the right side of the picture (when you're looking at the screen). And maybe, we should say it now so: Chill Out, Have Fun and  Read Spazzy Magazine. Thanks TylerSummer for the banner!


We love hearing from you SZYs! Send your letters and artworks to or PM it to us. If you want your shout-out to be featured, just post it on our Message Board or comment it on this issue.

Spazzy Magazine July 2013Where stories live. Discover now