Chapter 5 - Evil Mornings

Start from the beginning

"So anyway, how are we going to come up with the money?" Mako asks, changing the subject. I glance between the group who stare at each other blank-faced but Bolin's lights up. He smiles brightly and stutters out his idea. He tells us that he has been training Pabu to do tricks and that people would pay to see them. I smile at his enthusiasm but his brother quickly dismisses the idea. "Come on, Bolin. We need serious ideas." 

"I was serious," He says quietly. I glance at him with a sad smile, all he was trying to do was help and I know Mako is trying to be realistic but I find it cruel to dismiss him like that.

"Don't worry about it, I will figure it out." He picks up his stuff and starts walking out of the room, "I always do." 

I turn back to Bolin and smile at the boy. I hold my hand out to Pabu and he sniffs it before climbing across onto my shoulder. "I have never seen a Fire Ferret in the flesh, he is adorable."

"He sure is, we've been best buds for ages." He scratches behind the Fire Ferret's ear and puts on a strange voice, "Haven't we?"

"I have a flying lemur at home, Lena, she is very playful but she is getting older now." I say scratching the small creature under his chin, he squeaks at me and my smile grows wider. Bolin's gaze drops to the ground, "I thought your idea was a good one, I don't think it will make much money but it's definitely a start."

He perks up and his familiar smile reappears. My heart jumps at the sight and my cheeks heat up, "We can go down to Central City Station and perform there." He states, a glint of determination in his eye. I nod, too bashful to reply to him. 

We arrive at the station and I glance at the large statue of Firelord Zuko, a good friend of my Grandfather. He retired from his position many years ago, his daughter took over from him and he moved to Ember Island with his wife. I have met the man many times but my siblings cannot say the same as we have not seen him or his family in a few years. Bolin sat down in front of the statue and set up a small ladder. He puts on a fake moustache, I laugh at him as I sit down next to him. To keep me from drawing attention to myself, I had changed into the Watertribe clothes before coming with Bolin. It always felt strange when I wasn't in my robes. 

"Come one, come all! See Pabu the fantastic Fire Ferret as he crosses the ladder of peril, upside down!" Bolin announces. I watch the people that pass us not sparing as a glance. I glance down at Pabu who sat on his pedestal licking himself, Bolin signals again for him to go. He walks across the ladder on his front feet, "Big finish, buddy. Stick the landing. Tada!" Someone throws a single Yuan into the cup, I pick it up and stare down at the shiny coin. "Thank you, Ladies and Gentlemen! You're too kind." 

"One Yuan down, Twenty-nine thousand, Nine hundred and ninety-nine to go." I sigh, I share a glance with Bolin and he looks just as spiritless. A car screeches as it pulls up in front of us, we both look up and the driver winds his window down. 

"Hey Bolin, is that you?" The strange man asks, his eyes fall on me and he smirks. I shift uncomfortably under his gaze, "And you have a lady friend now." 

My eyes widen and cheeks reddened but Bolin does notice this as he stares down at the slightly full cup in front of him. "Oh, hey there Shady Shin." I glance between the two guys, I recognise that name from my Father, he is in the Triple Threat Triad. They are benders that use their abilities against non-benders to extort them. 
"Heard you're a big-time Pro-bending player now, not bad," Bolin mutters a respond, I wonder why this man has gone out of his way to stop to talk to Bolin and me. My Dad would have my head if he knew who I was speaking with at the moment. "So, I got an offer for ya. Lightning Bolt Zolt is lookin' to hire some extra muscle and I'm sure your little lady won't mind coming." 

"Ah well..." I stutter as I try to disagree with the man but Bolin speaks over me. 

"I don't know, Shin. Mako told me to stay away from the Triple Threat." I nod agreeing with Bolin's respond but Shady Shin just huffs. If Bolin gets caught with the Triad, He could be sent to gaol and for a long time. Bolin is not someone who deserves to be in prison. 

"Your brother ain't the boss of you. It's just a little security work nothin' crook." Shin says slyly. I narrow my eyes at the guy, Bolin glances at me and I shake my head at him but then Shady Shin throws a wad of yuan into the cup. My face falls as Bolin's lights up with amazement, "You game?"

"Hell yeah!" Bolin says standing up. I quickly follow his lead and grab his shirt, I was not the person to speak up. I've always been taught the opposite in my training as an Airbender, I'm timid and kind. I am always told that I have the same temperament as my Grandfather but I was not about to let Bolin make this mistake without a fight. He looks back at me, "Nini, it's alright."

"Bolin, this isn't a good idea. What happens if you get caught? We can get the money another way." I state, he shakes his head and I drop my hand. 

"No, we can't." 

"I'm coming with you then," Bolin opens the door and I slide into the car. Shady Slim winks at me, I cross my arms and turn to look outside the window. Bolin what have you gotten us into. 

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