Chapter 19: Ciel

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Me: Yo yo yo!!! Well were almost done with our beloved trilogy boys and girls.

Lucy: NOOOO!!! WHY?!?!?!

Me: All good things must end ;-; but don't worry! I shall write more things for you lovelies! If you guys want, comment down below any suggestions for future books! Now, let us begin!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

Ciel's condition had improved slightly from yesterday which sent relief through my body. I sat beside him once more, setting his tea tray on the nightstand.

This had become a routine for me. Come in every so often with some tea and snacks, read him a story before bedtime, tuck him in and wait outside for the cycle to repeat.

(Ciel's P.O.V)

My multicolored eyes slowly opened as I sat up. I was back at the demon aisle. Frowning, I stood from the stone bench. "Okay...who am I meeting now?" I said softly.

I wandered the island aimlessly, eyes searching. After making a full 360 of the place, I scowled softly. "Alright! Is this some sort of game?!" I shouted. "Face me you damn coward!!"

I was suddenly slammed against a stone wall. "Ciel Phantomhive is no coward," a familiar voice answered. My eyes widened as I met with a very familiar face. My own.

"Are...are you me?" I asked shakily. "Well of course I am, idiot," he scowled. I frowned, shoving him off me. "Well let me out of this stupid dream world already!" I snapped.

"And why would you want to do that?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Because I need to get back to reality! I need...I need to talk to Sebastian," I said softly. The other Ciel snickered. "Sebastian? Why would you ever want to talk to Sebastian?"

I averted my eyes from his. "Don't tell me you love him!" He cackled. "Oh that's rich. You really think he loves you? After all the countless things he's done to you? How he abandoned you, cheated on you, and treated you like shit."

I whimpered softly. "N-No, your lying. Sebastian loves me," I insisted. "But does he really? I mean he is a demon."

I growled. "I'm a demon and I love him. He is capable of feeling emotions," I retorted. The alternate me merely shook his head. "He is a full blooded, born-in demon," he explained.

"You were a turned demon and therefore still have a human side. He has demon emotions and therefore, no emotions. Face it. Everything you feel for him is one sided. Deal with it."

His words hit me like a bullet to the chest as a sick taste filled my mouth. "I-I refuse to believe you," I stated weakly.

"Lets look at a similarity. Do you remember our dear Claude Faustus?" He asked. I nodded slowly. "He had Alois Trancy convinced that he loved him, but he really just wanted your soul. And even though that was painfully obvious to every one else, Alois was too blinded by 'love' to see it. Your case is no different, Ciel. Stop being blind to the truth and open your eyes already."

I felt my heart shatter into pieces as I remembered all the memories of Sebastian and I. But they seemed...altered somewhat. Sebastian was more distant and emotionless than I remembered.

I fell to my knees, bowing my head. "Its true...I can't believe I was too blind to see it...." Tears pricked at my eyes but I refused to let them fall. He lied to me. He lied to me. The one person who I believed would never decieve me. The one person I never thought would turn against me. To make me face reality. I would soon realize, that that person, would be me.

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

My crimson eyes slowly lidded as a wave of exhaustion passed over me. I let it come, too tired to fight back. Slowly closing my eyes, I sighed contently as I fell unconscious.

Ooh what did what Ciel said mean?! The mysteries~ See you next time lovelies! ♡

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