Chapter 13: Tears

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Me: Hai!!!! So sorry for the late update! If you guys didn't read my update, I had my wisdom teeth removed!!

Lucy: Grossssss....

Me: Shaddup. But yep, I was in pain! But here is your chappie fellow lovelies and please vote for my stories for the kurowattyawards!!! It would be much appreciated! ^-^ ♡

(Ciel's P.O.V)

I scowled angrily, pacing around my study. Where the hell is this damn butler?! My red velvet cake was due an hour ago!!

I slammed a fist on the table, splintering the wood beneath it. My eyes flicked from my hand to the table and back to my hand away. Right. Demon. Shit. Sighing in frustration, I rubbed my temples, reclining back on my oversized office chair.

I swear, I'll have Sebastian's head if he doesn't return before dinner. I winced slightly. The name still brought a stinging pain to my forehead. Groaning softly, I made my way downstairs.

I had gotten used to telling what time of the day it was since the sky outdoors was always black and empty. And by 'gotten used to' I mean, had Sebastian hang like fifty bajillion clocks all around the damn place.

My head continued to ache so I came to the conclusion of making tea. Sebastian had shown me too and by that I mean I ordered him too just in case any incidents like the ones today happened.

And thats what I did. Setting the pot to boil, I picked out a tiny tea bag of Chamomile tea and set it into the now boiled water, pouring the newly made tea into a fine China cup.

I returned to my study, sitting down and spinning in my chair to face the window, slowly sipping at the hot tea before releasing a small sigh. My eyes closed and then opened, gazing out at the window. "Sebastian. If you do not return to this manor in no more than two hours, I will decapitate your worthless head."

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

How the fuck am I supposed to make Satan. Cry. Groaning loudly, I rubbed my eyeballs, walking to Satans palace.
I thought long and hard for a minute as my steps came to a halt in front of the castle doors. Maybe I can just make him laugh or something?

Deciding this was better and easier than making him sad, I entered the room. Bowing was customary when in the presence of the king of hell so I did as I was required, not really finding it new as Ciel always had me grovel at his feet.

And then I proceeded to tell him a bunch of dead baby jokes which only gave me a glare and a "What the fuck do you want Michaelis?" I sighed heavily before starting from the beginning.

Satan's family and mine were closely related so me explaining my problems weren't uncomfortable in the slightest. After finishing my story, he simply stared at me. "So your basically saying that you fell in love with your contractor, had gay sex, died, came back, lover boy turned into a demon and forgot your sexy times, and now you need my tears to bring him back to normal?"

I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. "Well...when you put it that way..." I murmured, pouting slightly. A deep chuckle escaped his lips as he stood, being of course much taller than me. "Boy, I am the king of hell," he smirked, slowly walking down from the steps of his throne. "And there isn't anything. Anything, in this godforsaken place that can make me cr--"

Aaaaannnnddddd, he tripped down the rest of the stairs, hitting his funny bone in the process. "Ah! Shit!!! Fuck that huuuuurrrrtttssss!!!" A loud whine resonated from his mouth as small tears brimmed in his eyes.

I quickly drew a small vile, swiftly catching the tear before it could roll down his face and onto the floor where I would have to scoop it off and might not even get it. It'd be like trying to pick up a spider and throw it out the window using the lid of a shoe box since you didn't want to touch it.

"Thank you very much, my king," I said with a bow, smirking internally and quickly returning to the manor before I would be yelled at. God Ciel is going to burn me at the stake. Well, at least its only been a half an hour.

I reaches the manor, slowly tip toeing inside like a teenager who snuck out and was afraid of being caught by their parents. "SEBASTIAN MICHAELIS WHERE THE BLOODY FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?!" He growled, causing me to flinch. "I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR MY RED VELVET CAKE FOR AN HOUR AND A HALF. AND HOUR AND A HALF."

Pouting slightly, I hid the vile quickly in my tailcoat and allowed him to beat me with a newspaper repeadedly until he deemed that I had learned my lesson.

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