Chapter 17: Relatives

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Me: Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!

Lucy: Hey--

Me: Stop talking for a minute! Okay so before we begin this lovely chapter I just want to say that the ideas for these trials Ciel will face were mainly created by @otakuparty1651 ! She is a really good friend of mine and is very creative and imaginative. So please enjoy the chappie!

(Sebastian's P.O.V)

I gently stroked Ciels cheek, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. "I will continue to stay by your side, Ciel. Do not worry," I whispered quietly.

The young demon had only recently fallen unconscious. And I had no idea how long he would stay like that. A soft sigh escaped my lips. "He will be fine," I said quietly to myself. "He will return to me." But would he really?

(Ciel's P.O.V)

I awoke groggily, blue eyes blinking slowly. Wait. What? I scurried to the nearest mirror, seeing that both my eyes were their original cerulean color.

I frowned. "Sebastian! What the hell is going on?!" I snapped, turning and waiting for the demon to appear. But he never came. "Sebastian Michaelis! I order you to come to me right this second!" Nothing.

I growled softly until my memories returned. I was sitting in my office when Sebastian brought me tea. It tasted more bitter than usual but, as always, I refused to add sugar. After finishing the tea, my vision went blurry and I found myself unconscious.

"And now I'm here," I murmured softly. But where is here exactly? Looking around, I realized this was the original manor I was born in. The one that burned down. The one that my parents died in.

I walked to the door, opening it and heading outside only to run into the body of my former fiance. I frowned. "Lizzy? What are you--" I was interrupted by her cold glare. I'd never seen Lizzy this menacing and serious. Much less at me.

"You're an idiot, Ciel," she snapped. "Leaving me all alone and heartbroken after your stupid mistake to sell your soul to a demon. I hate you."

My eyes widened as I stared at her, shocked. But the words hit me hard. "N-No. I-I did it because I had too," I said shakily. Lizzy laughed humourlessly. "You did it because your a selfish bastard who couldn't even get your revenge--" "NO! Your wrong! I already got my revenge! I avenged my family and their name! They are proud of me and I know it!!" I screamed.

Lizzy dissapeared suddenly, and in her place appeared my two deceased parents. "M-Mother? F-Father?" I asked shakily, taking a few steps back. "Oh look, he's actually acknowledging us this time," my mother giggled. "Its about time," my father grunted.

"What--" "Did you ever think it was better to just die?" My mother suddenly spat. I was taken aback. "W-What? Y-You wanted me to die?" I asked softly. "Well its better than trying to 'avenge' us. Something you didn't even do," my father snickered.

"B-But...I thought I did avenge you. I thought I got revenge on those who killed you," I whimpered. They broke into laughter. "Revenge? You soiled the Phantomhive name!" My father snarled. "You ruined everything we worked for! Your a disgrace! You should've died like the rest of us!"

I fell to my knees at their words, my mind slowly going blank. I...I failed them...I ruined my families name...My whole life has been one pointless ruse....The last thing I heard was my parents laughing as I fell unconscious once again.

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