Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Please read the important message at the end of this chapter:D VERY Important:) well... Here ya go:)

"Ain't no need to know where I'm going, just need to know where I've been."

Ellie's POV
"Liam, What the hell is he doing here?" Asked Harry pulling me behind him. "I'm sorry mate, he pulled a gun on me." Said Liam closing his eyes. "I want her." Jacob said breaking the silence."No way in hell." Snapped Harry grabbing my hand and holding it tight. "I'm giving you one last chance, give her to me or I swear to god I'll kill you." Said Jacob holding a gun.

I didn't know what to think. I'm not letting Harry, or anyone else die for me.

"No." I say sternly. "What did you just say to me?"Said Jacob eyes furrowed on fury."I said no." I remarked. "I'm not going with you." I Finnish. Shock was written all over Jacobs face. Yeah that's right. Go cry to your self.

But then, Jacob started to walk closer to me, Harry clenched his hand harder on my waist.
"Jacob, fucking stop." Said Harry, a little scared of you ask me.
No, Jacob can't have control no more. No, not this time. I let Harry's hand drop and he turns around looking at scarily."It's okay, let me go." I whisper to him. "No, not in a million years." He said sternly. "Harry, please." I say. I know what I'm doing.
And with all being said, I reach into my pocket and pull out a silver chain with a diamond snowflake. I pull Harry out of my view and bring the neck less to the air, Jacob stops and looks at me. "H-how'd you get that.?" He spoke, scared. Be prepared, the bitch In me is about to in leash. I have to do this, for me, for Harry.
"I have my ways." I said placing a dangerous grin on my face. "I'm not stupid Jacob, dos you this the second you laid your hands on me I wouldn't get revenge? Cause we all know-" I stop and give him a grin, slowly walking circles around him. Look who's the weak one now."There's nothing I do better than revenge." I Finnish."Please, Ellie, don't hurt them, they did nothing to you." He said, clenching his hands."Nothing to me? Hell, they helped you out Jacob! They all watched you while you hurt me." I said rather hardly."Do you remember what I was screaming while you hurt me?" I asked and he nodded his head."Your running out of time Jacob, who made you do this?" I say and he stayed silent."Who the hell is making you do this!" I yell and in the Corner of my eye, I see Harry and Liam standing with pure shock in there faces, I can't change. I've destroyed myself and lost the bricks to rebuild."Fine then." I snap and pullout my phone. It answered at the third ring. "Hey, yes, do it." I hang up and Jacob fell to the floor and started to sob. I break the chain and throw it at him.

I pull the gun from my back and point it at Jacob, I can hear Harry and Liam yelling saying no. Harry runs over to me and I pull back the gun and pull the trigger.

I fell to the ground and dropped the gun.

I want out, I want out this world, to much pain, to many problems. I just want to go. I want to die. I can't handle this anymore.

A lot of questions ran through my mind. Like...

Who did I shoot?

Sorry to be announcing, this story has to come to an end. I'm still very interesting into Harry and the band, but, I have nothing to write on, honestly, the story will end maybe before chapter  35:/ sorry guys:/.
But here comes the good news.! I'm making another story called Amy. Here's some information on the story.
She was love struck by a guy she didn't even know. No name, No family, no nothing. The only thing she is that he came around on only on day, and that that was November 14.

One day, November 14, 2015, she went to a fall festival for her church, he was there, with another girl. She thought she was ugly, why would a man want an ugly women, he deserves better. She played and walked around waiting for something to happen.  Nothing ever did, but his eyes were glued to hers the whole night. The night eventually ended, walking home sad, she put her hans in her pocket, and there was something cold in there, she pulled it out, only to reveal a paper, she opened it, and there was a number, a phone number, and she knew his writing, and it just happen to be his.

- She has a bad life style. She needs to change, and maybe, just maybe, he will be the one to change her. Just maybe.

The Guy Nextdoor (H.S)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant