Chapter Five

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(Ellie's POV)

I pulled into the driveway and looked at Harry's house. It didn't look like anyone was home. I pulled out my phone.

~To: Harry~

Hey are you home?


I went up to my room and pulled the dress out of the bag. I held it up and inspected it. The color reminded me of beach sand. It flowed at the bottom. Its late spring, so it would be perfect for outdoor weather. I carefully layed the dress on my bed. I went to the closet and scanned over my shoes. Let me try to explain this. I have a walk in closet that is half the size of my room. My shoes take up more than half of the floor space. Not including the pairs on the shelves. Anyway lets not focus on my shoe hording. My ears imedately perked when I heard my phone ringing. I skipped over to my bed and looked at the ID. Unknown Caller. *Sigh* I hate these things. I hesitently answered. What if it was some stupid telemarketer?


*no answer*

"Helloo?" I was sounding a little annoyed now.


"Okay I'm hanging up now."

"Do it and you will regret it sweet."

It was a VERY familiar voice. Gruff but young. Around my age maybe. Male. It wasn't Harry. Or that Louis charachter. I was trying so hard to remember that voice.


I was walking home from school. It was the last day my senior year. I had said my goodbyes and was passing my boyfriend's house. (I know I said I never had one but, he was my first and last one.) His name was Jacob. He wasn't at school. It was the last day I couldn't blame him. I ditched at lunch. I was surprizing him. I walked up the porch steps. It was unlocked. We were in the kind of relationship where you just walk in the door. His mom was still at work. I heard laughing upstairs. He was probably playing COD. We have been together for 3 years and he gets into his video games. I tip toed upstairs and burst through his bedroom door shouting "SURPRIZE!!" My mouth dropped. He was making out with Karli Hoster. She was the mean stuck up slut that nobody liked. Until now I guess. Jacob looked up with wide eyes. My eyes were trying to hold back the stinging tears. Karli had a blank look. Jacob slowly got up with his hands reaching out. "E-E-Ellie just..just..its n-not what it looks like." The tears came flooding out of my eyes. I raced down the stairs. Everything was blury. I tripped over that bitches shoes. Jacob chased after me. I got back up and ran out the door. It was now raining. I could hear Karli yelling for him to comeback. I couldn't hear anything over the rain. It was pouring. Well he's a line backer for our school football team, so he caught up to me pretty fast. He grabbed my arm and spun me around. "IT'S OVER!" I screamed.

*End of flashback*

Those two words echoed back in my mind. It's Over. Wow.

"Who is this?" I spoke into the phone.

"You know exactly who this is love."

My heart raced. I pressed the end button. I fell back on my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I looked at my phone screen.

*1 New Message*

~No not home yet. Out at lunch with the guys. I'll call text you when we leave.  Harry x~

Ugh why was this happening? How did Jacob get my number? Ugh It's only 4:00. Its gonna be a long four hours.


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