Part One

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"How many nights would it take to count the stars, that's the time  it would take to fix my heart." -H

Harry's POV
What did Ellie mean by she killed someone? I'm getting more curious about her. We're kinda alike though. Deem future, dark past.  And there she was. Laying on the couch asleep. Her chest going  up and down. Pure beauty. Something I like. Her glowing skin, those dark blue eyes, and oh! That long coco dark brown hair. Seeing all the cuts and bruises on her face makes me wanna cry. I want to take all her pain and let myself suffer. But that would never happen. That will never happen.
Ellie's POV
Flashback to December 23, 2014.
As I stumble down the dark ally, I hear that dark voice that haunts me everywhere I go. My feet continue to go faster and faster. "Where are you going El?" Said the dark voice. He has been making me angry for the hour he's been following me. I turn around at him letting my ponytail fall out of its position."Leave me the hell alone! I killed someone! I fucking killed someone Adam!" I snapped yelling at him. He steps closer to me and pins me to the wall."No one yells at me." He said  very darkly. His eyes grew darker as his grip on me got   Tighter. I roll my eyes at him and he notices it and slaps me. God damn! What's his problem! We both hear a car door shut and see a group of men walk towards us. One man in particular couldn't keep his eyes off me."Hey babe." The man said blowing smoke from his lips. I turn my head from his saying."Ellie, you will be going with my man, Kyle." Said Jacob.He had a gang. And in it was him, Kyle, Adam, and a bunch of unknown guys. Kyle pulled at my wrist leading me to the dark van. I scream still bad drunk. He shoves me in the van a drive off. "Florida, here we come."
*flashback ends*
I sit up on the couch fast and lower my head at the dream I just had. My breathing was going faster and faster. I turn and see Harry at the opposite direction of me staring at me. I lay back down and stare at the ceiling. What happened? I turn my head to see Harry still staring at me. He then speaks."Ellie, we need to talk." He said laying down his phone."I sit back up and stare at him."About what?" I ask trying not to make it obvious that I knew exactly what he was talking about."You, you're past, what's happening now." He says staring at me. I give him a glare that could kill."That's for me to know, and you to not." I say rolling my eyes."Ellie! Come on! Tell me! I can help you!" He says loudly. I stand up and start walking to the door."Ellie!" He yelled."What!" I snap back at him."You can't hide forever." He said. "I'm not fucking hiding Harry!" I yell back at him."Your hiding from it." He said."Your a small innocent girl who was trying to do the right thing." He said lowing his voice."I'm not innocent, if only you knew." I whispered."you did some things you can't speak of, but at night you live it all again." He said like he knew me."Shut up." I say sternly."Who you are is not what you did." He said staring at me."Shut the hell up Harry!" I yell. "Your still an innocent." He whispered."Why? What is it that you won't tell me?" He asked. No way, I'm not telling him. "I'm not going to tell you, I'll never do such a thing." I say, well whispered. His eyes go dark."I'm sorry, but I have to know." He said and I felt two hands go around my wrists. I turn around frightened and see Louis and Zayn staring at me. "Harry, what are you doing?" I say confused."if you won't tell me, I'll make you."  He said and then Zayn and Louis drag me to a dark room, which Harry followed. They shoved me to a bed that had straps on it. What? Zayn was holding me down as Louis strapped my wrists and ankles. I was trying to free myself but it would t work. Once Louis was done strapping me up. Zayn got off me and stepped aside. I try to sit yo but yet again, I can't move much. I tilt my head up to see Harry pulling out a knife. My eyes widen. "One more chance Ellie, tell me and I won't hurt you." He said keeping his head down. No, I can't. I just can't. "You have to kill me first." I say, closing my eyes."Fine then." He says snapping back to reality. He walks over to me and traced the knife up my arm.
"Ellie, last chance."
I close my eyes, waiting for the pain .
He lets out a sigh in announce.
"I'm sorry."
Then I felt a sharp object go into my left arm. I scream in pain.
"Dose that hurt?"
"Yes." I cry in pain.
"Good, tell me."
"No." I cry. Stay strong Ellie. Don't let the pain get to you.
I felt another cut go into my arm and I cry out harder.
"Tell me!" Harry yells and digs deeper into my arm.
"No!" I yell in between sobs.
Then another cut, he pulls the knife out of me and sticks it in my  upper arm. Tip first. He digs deeper and turns the knife inside me.
"Tell me!" He yells still cutting me.
I can't do it.
I give up.
"Okay!" I yell and the knife removed from my skin.
"Talk." He said harshly. Wanting to know.
"My sister aurora was dating this guy for two years and said he was the best man ever. But I found out that night that he had abused and raped her for two years. That night, when I found out, I just came from a bar; badly drunk and on drugs, Adam had recently gave me a gun for my protection, I pulled it on him and..." I say crying.
"And what?" He yells.
" I shot him and ran, I got on a bus and was running away when Adam- my boyfriend at the time- appeared from nowhere, I got off the bus as soon as possible, but he followed. He then... He, he told me... Erm... Well these men appeared from nowhere where and shoved me into a van and said Florida, here we come. When we arrived, the man said that if I didn't so what he said, he would kill aurora. And that couldn't happen. He told me to follow him to prove my word. In a room was a young girl. She was crying. He said to shoot her. Without any thought, I did. After that, we started robbing places. And when I said I wanted out. He brought me to Jacob. That whole night, Jacob hit me, and then kissed me, and he made me have sex with him, I woke up the next morning and he had alcohol on the night stand. With my problems, I drunk it all. He found out.It started with screaming, hitting, then mental abuse.." I say still crying.
"And what is the I'm sorry about?"
"Please don't make me say."I cry.
"Say it." He said putting the knife on my arm.
"When I was 14, my step father was hurting my mother. And he was killing her. He attacked her the next day when I was at school, when I came home, she was on the floor, hurt, bruises everywhere. And he was on the couch, I ran up to him and starting hitting him, he threw me to the wall, getting up, I ran to the kitchen, and go a knife, I shoved it in my shirt, he can in and tackled me to the ground and was choking me, I pulled out the knife and stabbed him, his blood soaked through my shirt. I got up and went to see if my mother was okay, but when I checked her, she was dead. I picked up my phone and called my older brother-Sam, and said mike had killed mom, and l said I can't do it, I killed mike, and my mother was dead. I ended the call and walked into the bathroom and took like 12 sleeping pills, and it almost killed me. After that day, I fell apart, I started to fail School, started drugs and drinking, and got into abusive relationships. Is that good enough for you Harry!." I Finnish. So much I didn't tell him. He has no clue what mike did to me.
"You killed your sisters boyfriend, an innocent girl and your step dad?" Harry asked.
"Yes." I whisper. He drops the knife and leaves the room. As did by Louis and Zayn. I lay my head back and cry. Are they going to unstrap me?

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