Chapter Six

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I walked downstairs. I had opened every single window. It was amazing. The sun. The breeze playing with the curtains was definately taking my mind off of Jacob. In the huge living room I had one tan couch. Two tall lamps. A fireplace. A few plants. Three stands. And a plasma screen. I loved my new house. My own house. Thank God for my parents sending in money. It was 4:30. I was pretty tired. I layed on the couch and let the breeze play with my hair. I was just about to fall asleep when my phone started ringing. My heart junped. It was Jacob. He was really starting to annoy me.

"What do you want?!"

"You hung up on me."

"How long did it take you to figure that out?" How dare he ruin my nap.

"Don't act like a bitch towards me!"


..............2 minute awkward silence.......

Then I got tired of it. "Hey want to hear something funny?"

"Fine whatever."


I giggled to myself. He's not going to control me again. I put my phone on silent, and as soon as my head hit the sofa pillow I drifted off.

A car door slammed! I woke up startled. I could hear footsteps running up the steps to my porch.

*knock knock knock*

I got up off of the warm couch and made my way across the living room. Checked my hair and opened the door. HARRY! (:

(Harry's POV)

It was 7:00. 1 hour until the party. The boys were setting up. Except Lou. He was calling every single contact on his phone. Hopefully not too many people show up. I got bored. I had called El in the car but she didn't answer. We pulled in the drive way. Niall was still sorta embarassed that I had noticed him staring at the waitress. He got out and slammed the car door. Then blushed. He didn't mean for it to be that loud. First thing I did was run up to El's porch. I knocked on the door. There was a silence. I started to get worried but calmed when I heard footsteps. She opened the door. Looked sleepy but gorgeous.

"H-Hey" I stutered. Why was I stutering?!

"Hey!" She said excited but drowsy.

"Are you okay? You didn't answer your phone."

(Ellie's POV)

I couldn't tell him about Jacob. It wasn't a big deal anyway. Im 19. I can handle this myself.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just decided to take a nap so I put it on silent."

"Oh okay. Well it's 7 now. So I better go finsh getting things ready. Seeya in an hour kitten."

He winked and smiled flashing his dimples. I smiled, waved and shut the door. My face turned from happy to horrified. ONE HOUR?!! I have to get ready now!!!

I ran upstairs and to my bathroom. I stripped off my clothes and stepped in the shower. I washed abd scrubbed till bubbles were everywhere. I shaved my legs, rinsed off and stepped out. I sprayed lavender body spray all over and found my lavender lotion. I dried my hair and wrapped a towel around myself. I stepped into my bedroom and closed the curtains. I let the towel drop and cut the price tag. I slipped on underware, strapless bra, and the dress. I went over to my closet and slipped on pale pink flats. I went back in the bathroom put on some make up and curled my hair. I sprayed on some perfume and grabbed my purse. It was 8:15 Oh no!! I walked down the stairs. I could hear the music blasting from Harry's house. Wow. I walked through the door and almost dropped my bag. 10 people my ass!!! The door was wide open and cars lined the street. There were cars on the grass, some were even in the ditch. I walked towards the house. There were a group of guys staring at me and nudging each other on the arm. I walked in the door. There were people everywhere. I couldn't see Harry anywhere. I walked in and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a drink. No Harry or Louis. I walked upstairs. The music so loud the floor was shaking to the beat. I walked into one of the bedrooms hoping to find someone I know. Nope just a some guy and a chick making out. Wait! That wasn't just "some guy"!! IT WAS HARRY!!!!


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