Chapter Sixteen

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Nialls P.O.V
I get the shot out of Ellie's arm and throw it on the ground."What the fuck Louis!" I yelled, Harry and Zayn stop holding him down. "God you stupid son of a bitch! You could of killed her!" I screamed. Liam pulled into the driveway and Harry and Zayn got out. I picked up Ellie and carried her to the house. Her limbs were hanging from my hands. It made me sad. I opened the door and carried her to my bedroom. It was now 6pm. "What are you doing?" Said a voice. I turned around and it was Zayn."putting her in my god damn bed." I snapped. I open the door and slammed it behind me. I gently laid her down and walked to the shower.
Ellie's P.O.V
My eyes opened to see a bed.I sat up and looked around. I get up and walk to the door. I went to open it and was pushed against the wall. I turn around and see Louis."W-what a-am I doing h-here?" I said as my voice cracked." Do you know how much pain you caused me?" He said pressing my body harder to the wall. I had a major headache so I didn't say anything. The door opened."Louis, what are you doing? Don't hurt her now, wait till later, Niall is still here." Said Zayn. He got off of me and pushed me to the floor. They all walked out. I stand up and head to the door. Should I go out there? Should I tell them that I had lied? No. Let this play on a little further. I step out the door and see all of them on the couch, watching the Telly. "Look what the cat brought in." Said Liam and they all started laughing. I look down at my feet. Harry stood up. And so did everyone else."Now!" Harry yelled and they all came running to me. I turned around and started to run. I heard a thump and there were cold hands around my ankle. I got pulled to the ground and I banged my head on the floor. I started sliding backwards and was under Zayn." Niall!" I yelled."Niall!" I said once again."he's gone out love, your stuck with me now." Zayn said. He stood up and yanked me up. I tried to get away but they all held me down."get off of me you stupid dumb ass!" I yelled struggling to get out of there arms. We got into a bathroom and everyone got in and Harry locked the door. Zayn shoved my body towards the sink. "If you move, I will hurt you." He said then released his hands from my body. He walked over to me and started putting something in my hair. It has hair dye? "Why are you dying my hair brown?" I said confused." So no one will know it's you." He said poring the rest of it on my head and scrunching it together tightly. A little to tight." Can you please stop being so rough." I said crunching my eyes together."I like being a little rough."He said winking at me through the mirror.Zayn shoved me to Harry and I fell in his arms. He shoved me to the shower and forced me to the floor. His hands were around my neck and he turned on the shower. He made me sit on my knees facing forward with my hands in the shower floor. He put the water over my head and started to rinse out the dye. Water was in in my mouth and I couldn't breath."Harry stop! I can't breathe!" I coughed chocking out water. He never moved."stop it please!" I yelled and he just hit me in the head with the shower head. I gasped for air and he turned off the shower. He shoved me backwards and I fell to the floor landing on my back. I didn't say a word. Louis comes over and grabs my wrist and pulls me up. He walks out and shoves me to the floor. Harry, Zayn, and Liam were watching him."Sure you want to do this mate?" Said Liam."I'm sure." Said Louis letting me go and staring at me.
"Harry, if you can't handle this, you can leave." Said Zayn."I can handle it." Harry said giving me a smirk."W-what are you going to do to me?" I say As tears escape my eyes. Am I going to die?"what your about to get, you deserve it." Said Louis. What did I do that was so wrong? Harry and Zayn started to walk towards me. "No, please don't hurt me." I plead, but nothing stopped. Harry and Zayn wrapped there hands around my wrist and Louis started to walk towards me. I moved as fast as I could but they had me. I jumped for realist but they pulled me back. I was moving my legs and my arms but I just couldn't move. Louis finally gets to me and slaps me. My eyes widen and Harry's grip on me got harder.louis started to punch me in the stomach and the boys held me up and he did. I tried to scream but Liam had his hand around my mouth. Then, I felt a sharp pain in my side. I think it was a shot or something, cause I fell to the ground. Everyone was laughing, but Harry wasn't. Louis started to kick me in my sides and I felt tired." I lied." I said softly. Trying to get Louis to stop hitting me."what the fuck did  you just say!" Louis screamed picking me up by my shirt collar and making me face to face with him.  "I lied."

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