Chapter twenty- two

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Harry's POV
I was sitting at my desk writing in my journal. I cant believe Ellie said she loved me. In that video Jacob had sent sent me she seemed so... Hurt. Physically and mentally. But I don't think she knows I've seen it. I want her bad. But I will mess it all up like last time. Any way she doesn't like me. I mean, why would she like a killer? Why would she love me, I hurt her. She didn't deserve it. None of it. I can't let her go though. Not yet. I have to protect her. I may seem to be mean to her but truly. I love her to. Stop it Harry! You can't fall in love! I'm a mean heartless bastard for Ellie to roll her beautiful eyes at. Oh, those blue eyes. Stop it Harry! God damn! I'm a killer!Not a lover! I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard a high pitched scream, and most likely, it was ellie. Did Zayn hurt Ellie like he's been taking about?. I spin around in my chair and my feet hit the floor and I started towards her. I fling my door open  and run out of it, walking in to the big room we all called living room, I see no one. My eyes search the room and start to run towards the stairs, I run down the stairwell seeing nothing but Louis, Niall, Liam, sitting at the table."what was that? Who screamed?" I said breathing faster."where's Ellie?" I said quickly. "Man, what's wrong with you? No one screamed? Are you alright?" Said Louis looking at the boy's confusingly."Shut the hell up! Where's Ellie! She just screamed!" I yelled making gestures with my hands."She went shopping, chill man, what's wrong?" Said Liam. They can't be lying cause Niall is here."I could of sworn I heard her scream." I whispered running my hands through my long curly hair."no mate?" Said Niall. "Go get some sleep, it's your past, only in the past man." Said Louis looking at Liam. I turn around and start walking to my room, then it hit me. I turn a round making the boys look at me confusingly."Where's Zayn?" I spoke."He went out with some girl." Muttered Niall playing with his fingers. He dose that when he's lying."Okay." I say acting like I know something. Strange. I turn around and walk up to my room and sit on my bed, slowly drifting into sleep.

Zayn's POV(ohhhh)*all gasp*

She was hurt bad. The boys all freaked out when she fell down the stairs because  that they thought it killed her, because her arm was broke and she had a cut on her forehead that wouldn't stop bleeding. So I joined in and said don't worry about it that's she's okay and I'll take care of it. So here we are now.

As I get done putting the cast on Ellie's arm and fixing her cut, I stand back and stare at her. She was only in Niall's worn out t-shirt with socks on that we're way to dirty. Then I got it! She needs a shower! I pick her up and put her in my arms and carry her to my bathroom. I open the door with my foot and step inside making sure I did lock the door. I lay her down on the floor and start filling up the tub with warm but kind of hot water. After a minute, it was filled. I walk over to her and lift her shirt up carefully and try to get it over her cast. And then I take off her socks one to another. And then she's just sitting there, only in her bra and underwear. I stand up and stare at her beautiful body. Then I saw something. It was on her side. It was small. And it was a tattoo. My mouth dropped open as I saw it. It said I'm sorry and that's it. In small writing, that's all it said was im sorry. Damn, this girl makes me want to know more about her. What's her secret?
I lift Ellie into the bath and lay her against the bath tub. She mumbles something. I look up her to see her eyes opening."I'm sorry aurora, he-he was going  you." She mumbled moving her head. Then she shot up making the water go everywhere. Her arms and legs were going in the air. Her eyes are fully open."Ellie!!calm down it just a dream! Calm down!" I say a little loud. When she jumped, she jumped out the bathtub and sat beside me.. I pat her head and she crawled over to me and wrapped her little arms around my stomach. Her head berried deep in my side. I pull her close and Rock her back and forth . I pick her up and I lay in the bath with her. With my clothes on, I step into the bath letting the water soak through my clothes and shoes. I sit down with Ellie on my lap. I run my hands through her hair and Hum little words to her to calm her down. I rock her back and forth. I lay my head on hers and we sit there.
Ellie's POV
"Ellie don't do this." Said Aurora's boyfriend backing up only to hit the wall."No please Ellie! Your going to ruin your life if you kill him!" Yelled aurora crying with her hands on the floor."I'm sorry aurora, He-He was hurting you." I said with the gun shaking in my hands."Don't  do this, your drunk, your on drugs, tomorrow, your going to be sitting in jail for life if you kill me." Said auroras boyfriend."There trying to catch you now for what you did last month." Said the boy making me even more mad."Shut the hell up! You know nothing! You hurt Her for two years! Two god damn years! I've killed someone before! And I'm not afraid to do it again!" I screamed tightening my finger in the trigger."Your just going to turn out like your mother did." He said. That's it. I pulled the trigger and I can hear auroras screams. I drop the gun and turn around and start to run. I kept running till I was out of sight. Then, I caught a cab to New York. Out of sight out of mind.
I wake up very slowly. My eyes open to reveal Zayn's room."Morning sleeping beauty." Said a husky voice. I turn my head to see a wide awake Zayn. "How did I get in here?"  I stuttered standing up."Do you not remember? You fell down the stairs and passed out when you hit the bottom step." He said sitting up. I look down and see that I'm not in Niall's t-shirt and socks anymore. And I'm a lot cleaner. What the hell? Did he bathe me? "Zayn? Did you change me? And take me a bath?" I say worriedly."Well? Do you not remember?" He asked walking over to me."you said some things during it." He finished. "Like what?" I ask worried. I have the tendency to talk about my past in my sleep. When I close my eyes at night, I relive my past every second, every minute, every hour, and every day. I can't move on, it's going on replay every night. I can't forget about it. Something won't let me. And when I wake up in the morning, I want to do it all again."What dose your past hold? Why is I'm sorry tattooed on your side? Ellie, what's going on?"

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