Chapter 13- Duncan

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Rae. She didn't know how much i cared for her. I liked her ever since I met her. I never wanted to let her down. Even if she didn't like me, I thought it was good to at least have my trust. That day when Ella went missing, she fell apart and it broke me to pieces. She trusted me with the protection of her only family. I broke a part of her. While she was crying, a took a short walk in the woods. There i found a mitten. This was Ella's. I could feel it.

When i gave the mitten to Rae, something sparked in her. She decided that we'd go after her. Anything for Rae. She wasn't scared of my rock legs. But then again she has wings. I haven't told Rae the secret I've never told anyone. My parents turned me over to scientests to have my legs removed. Thats why they are rocks. It haunts me.

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