Chapter Five

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For days, i had to fill in the details for Ella. It wasn't very fun, considering she was acting whiney about it all. "Ella I'm sorry that i didn't tell you, but it was for your own good!" Silence on the other side of the door. I sighed in frustration. "Ella, will you please come out from there?!" More quiet. "Nuh uh." She says quietly. "Ella-" "I SAID SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" Ella screamed. I finally backed up. I took a short walk, then sat down and cried. Sometimes i wish i was never different. Its not easy being a mutant freak. Everything is pain and caution and rules.
I love Ella, but i wish she would still accept me for who I am. I am suddenly disrupted by a handsome boy my age staring at me. I wiped away my tears. I had no time to be surprised. "Y-you have to get out of here! Now! There-there's gonna be a big explosion!" He panted. "If you stay now, you'll become a pile of ashes. My eyes widened. Now this was serious. "W-w-wait. Slow down a bit." The boy used this as an invitation to jump up and down flapping his hands like a lunatic. "The forest is gonna explode, lady!!! And i suggest you don't be there for it!" "But my sibling is in there! And she is super flaming mad at me. Literally! The door is locked." i pointed to Ella's wood shack. "Don't worry." he assures me. "I got this!"
He then runs at the shack and kicks the door down. It opens with a loud thunk. Ella's tear-stained eyes stare at us. "Impressive." I say to the boy. "Name's Duncan." He says as we begin to run through the forest. Ella has no idea what just happened. I grinned. "Names are Rae and Ella." Duncan nodded. I couldn't help but notice his warm, inviting brown eyes and spiky dark hair. "So tell us more about this explosion, Duncan." i stress his name on purpose. "Well i saw a flame at the start of the forest which was already there. And man, can those babies spread!" "Ok, go on," I tell Duncan.
"So i came to warn anyone who comes through the forest, cuz you know, some people hunt." He nodded to finsish out. "And what brings you guys here, anyways? Don't y'all have parents?" Ella and i froze.

"Well uh, don't you?" i pressured him. "No." Duncan says solemnly. "Because i have these." Duncan lifts up his left pant leg. Ella and i scream

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