07 ; just the way you are

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Author's note:   I'm very sorry for the LATE AF update. Seriously, i am. I'm sorry guys I seriously just don't know ideas for this story anymore. SORRY GUYSSSS!!😭

So here it is! Next chapter! I'm sorry guys. I've been busy and had a mental breakdown recently. But now i'm back! So please give some feedbacks. I badly need them.

"More than just friends?" I asked.

I blushed. I admit that.

"Yes." Taehyung stared at me. It's like the kind of stare that you can't look anywhere but the eyes of that person.

"Y-yes. Sure. Okay." I replied bluntly. Like seriously, i am so nervous.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked.

"More than just friends.." I answered awkwardly.

"Like?" He smirked. Damn, can he not tease me just for a day?!

"Aish! I don't know! You tell me." I answered while blushing so hard.

"Ah, don't shout at me like that. This is more than just friends. We're engaged already." He winked.

Fcuk he just winked at me like im so


Am I starting to fall for him?

I doubt he'll like me back :(

Maybe he will.


"Alice?" I was snapped back to reality when Taehyung gently pinched my nose.


"Why are you always like this? Is it something to do with our marriage?" He was concerned.

"Nothing," Obviously, i lied. "Maybe i'm not feeling well." Okay, this one is true. I woke up early as hell and i'm so not a morning person. I should be in my bed right now but for Taehyung, i made it.

"Really? You should have just told me! Should we go home and rest?" He asked. His eyes show a bit disappointment. Most probably because he can't play those games then.

"No, it's okay. I wanna play these games with you!" I grinned.

He shouted like a complete maniac and held my hand, while running around together.

"Hey, hey!" I laughed loudly, "Where are we exactly going?" I laughed again. I've never been this happy. And I don't even know what is so funny that I can't even stop laughing now.

He laughed with me, "Come! Let's play!" He cheered and dragged me to anywhere he wants to. Idk i just can't focus. I'm just- idk man, how do you say? Too busy enjoying his ridiculousness? Yes.

I think i'm falling for him.


We had so much fun. We played lots of games- I can't even count. This is just the best day of my life; never enjoyed this much before.

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