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shannon alice's pov;


i woke up by the alarm that is ringing loudly.

well, first day at international seoul high school, huh? i don't even care. i ruffled my purple hair as i looked at my light purple mirror.

maybe you guys wonder why my hair is purple, right? well, long story short,

they were dyed ._.

• 6.35 am.

i got ready and headed to downstairs. to have breakfast, of course.

i was greeted by mom and dad as I arrived at the dining hall.

"good morning, alice." mom spoke and aad patted my back.

you know why i'm transferring to Seoul? because dad got a business work here.

well i don't really care about that because my friends are gonna be here too.

the business work is about arranging business, i think?

i don't know, i'm not sure either.

"good morning mom, dad." i gave them a small smile and grabbed a slice of pizza on the table.


if only i could marry food, i sure as hell would !!

anyway, i planned to go to school early so i drove my car to school.

as i arrived at school, i can't help but to smile.

because natasha and anna have arrived too. ah, i hope we're in the same class.

i parked my car at the parking lot and rushed myself to my besties after i locked my car. i ran towards them and gave a hug.

"OH MY GOD!! YOU DYED YOUR HAIR?!? SO PRETTY!!!!" natasha squealed like she always does. she's the happy virus.

she hugged me back tightly while anna, being the quiet friend she is, she just stay quiet.

this school is serious shit big and the walls are covered with light golds.

i just laugh at natasha as a response.

"anna!" i hugged her tightly as i feel that she hugged me back.

"why are you so quiet today?" i asked, not releasing the hug.

"enjoying the scenery of this school." she whispered.

"why are you whispering?" i whispered back.

"i don't know."

"hey, let's get to our schedule!"

"are we gonna be in the same class though?" i asked them, frowning.

nana shrugged, "that's why we have to check at the school's office."

"ah.. then let's go!" i said and we walked to the office together.

"uh, hi, i'm alice keith. i'm from england. nice to meet you guys." i bowed and smiled awkwardly when i looked at everyone.

'thats ridiculous. how can she transfer here?'
'i want to be her friend.'
'beautiful hair. i want to dye my hair like hers.'

honestly, i hate attention. this is going to be a long day i guess, ugh

"alright. alice, you may sit next to taehyung. taehyung, raise your hand, please." the teacher said and i nodded slightly.

arranged marriage; k.th [completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora