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A/N: Enjoy the story 😚
[ at night ]
Kim Taehyung's point of view:

I laid on my bed, thinking about what just happened.

She's just so fragile. A part of me is wanting to protect her as much I can.

You're so full of egos, kim taehyung.

Wait. What the fuck is wrong with me?!
Forget her.

i got up, looking determined as hell to, um, y—yeah. Forget her. Make her regrets forㅡ

i walked out of my room and went to the kitchen.

she's there too, drinking milk.

"Hey Taejerk, you wanna eat?" She approached the fridge and opened it.

What the fuck did she called me?!

"The fuck? Taejerk?" I angrily said, while putting my hands on the table on the dining room as an argument pose.

"Yeah. So, you wanna eat?" She calmly replied, choosing ingredients to cook.

"Since when you called me as that fucking name?" I'm still on the 'Taejerk' topic.

"Just now?" She teased, while looking at me sarcastically.

This girl is testing me, really.

Shannon Alice Keith's POV:
"Just now?" I sarcastically said to Taehyung.

After 8 seconds of we staring at each other, he smirked.

"Really? You're playing right now?" He said. And his face, looked so serious which matches to his deep voice.

Okay I regretted doing that shit earlier.

He walked towards me slowly, never left his eyes on me. While I, walking to the backwards slowly...

'Till my back hit the wall and he's now right in front of me.

"Iㅡi'm sorㅡ" I literally closed my eyes when he slammed the palm of his hand on the wall, which is just beside my head.

"What were you saying?" He asked, as if he wasn't hearing of what I said.

"I'm soㅡsorry." What the fuck? Why am I saying sorry? Am I scared or somethㅡ

"Forgiven. But, there'll be a punishment, honey." He said with such husky voice.

I gulped down as he inched closer to my face.

Shit, he's staring at my fucking lips.

"Damn it."

He did not just kissed me.

What the fuck.

Kim Taehyung's POV:
"Damn it,"

I kissed her. What the actual fuck.

She was so shocked at first and trying to push me away by pushing my chest, lol.

by doing that makes me feel like i'm wanting it more.

I took her wrists and tightened 'em to the wall so that she couldn't push me away. I put her hands on the both side of her as I deepened the kiss. Why didn't she responds?

I opened my eyes-- w-what?

She's crying?!

I immediately pulled away the kiss and waited for her response.

"Why the fuck do you have to kiss me as a damn punishment?!" She cried out.

"Whoa, whoa, chill, baby girl," I put my hands in the air, showing that I surrender. "Other than a kiss? What do you want then? Something more than that?" I winked at her. Damn, she doesn't notice that I'm still at the position before, we're so close to each other.

"Shut up, you rascal! I lost my first kiss." She shouted, wiping her tears and hide her blush by looking away.

"well, at least by your future husband. And also, just because of your fucking first kiss, you have to cry?! I've lost my first kiss to a girl, I DIDNT EVEN CRIED."

Damn, did I just said that?!

"First, we're not married yet. So you're not officially my husband. Second, I cried, because i got kissed by that dirty lips of yours! how many girls have you kissed, huh?! don't you dare to treat me like you does to your dumb hoes because I'm surely not like them!"


"okay, i won't. i see that you're different from the others. but you know, we'll be living in the same house from now on. plus, i'm your fiancé, so" I pleaded innocent, "please?"

Aw yeah, my puppy eyes showed up.

"what do you mean "please"?" she rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh, "Whatever. But please don't act like this at school okay? I don't want your dumb hoes disturbing me."

Shannon Alice Keith's POV:

That. Puppy. Eyes.

I'm so done.

"Wow, I didn't know you gave up by seeing my puppy eyes. Ruff ruff!" He said, barking. How can he be that cute?

"Idiot." I shook my head, giggling.

Taehyung is really weird. Sometimes he's a jerk. A total jerk. And now he's being a cute little shit. Damn, who knows if he's actually different from the outside of him?

And I'm the one who'll figure that out first.

To be continued ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ



I can't continue this story. I'm so sorry!
Here's the reasons:

Nah, I'm just joking. I just want you guys to give feedbacks. Not votes. I don't need votes. I just need feedbacks, okay?


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