11 ; ego? ego.

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Author's Note:
This chapter will be VERY VERY confusing. Well, for me it is.

Happy belated birthday to Kim Taehyung 💕

Happy new year to everyone!!




I got panicked for a second, but then I sighed in relief because it's just Mark.

"What you doin' here?" Of course I asked that.

Like, aren't he supposed to do the project thingy with Suzy? I remembered that the project must be sent to the teacher by this Friday.

Ugh, whatever.

"I was walking home after discussing the project with Suzy but," he sighed, "Being at home alone is no fun. So I decided to go to your house—"

"Oh, oka— wait. How did you know where my house is?"I asked, not letting him come in yet.

"D'you remember that day when we met at the park? Well, I saw you walking to this place so I thought this is your house....." He awkwardly explained. Well, he's very weird, today.

"Oh. Kay." I was about to close the door when he stopped me,

"Uh, can I.. come in?"

Oh, right. I laughed at my own action and let him come in as I closed the door.

I felt relief because Mark is being himself now. I mean, he starts smiling randomly like a psycho, and being talkative like he used to be. I'm glad.

We talked a lot and I noticed that he is so skinny, his cheekbones got skinnier than the last time I saw.

Wait, don't tell me that he's taking drugs?!

"Hey, I think you're getting skinnier these days. What happened?" I asked, looking at him across the dining table. He's eating ramen that I cooked for him like a hungry poor man. Aish this guy.

"Oh?" He looked up, completely distracted from eating the ramen.

Woah, he's really that hungry?

"You're skinny, I mean, look at your cheeks," I said, standing up and goes near him to pinch his cheeks, "They're not chubby anymore," I frowned, "You're taking drugs?"

He choked and drank a glass of water, "Bro, I'm not that crazy so chill." He said, scoffing.

"Sorry," I laughed, "Then why are you so skinny?—" I stopped and a reasonable answer popped out, "You're not on diet, aren't you?" I gave him a sly face.

"Well–yeah. I'm on diet." He shyly smiled and continued eating.

"Yah." He said with a deep voice, and deeply staring at me.

I looked at him.

"Why..." He stopped and I got nervous, lol.

"Why did Taehyung do that?"

"Do what."

"I saw everything, Alice." He suddenly said in English, maybe he's sick of talking in Korean with me because I always respond in English.

"Can you please don't ask about that?" I rolled my eyes. Such a mood spoiler.

He apologized and I nodded. We talked about school and he told me he has a crush on Krystal? And he's asking me to help him get her. I heard Krystal is a very cold-hearted girl. Mm, no wonder Mark likes her.

"See you tomorrow, princess," He said, stood up and did our fist bump, then he left after me mouthing 'Alright'.

Hell, I'll sleep alone tonight. No way I'm calling Taehyung. No fucking way.

The next day

I arrived at school early today (I find it very boring without V at home so yea) lol. I walked to the class and decided to take a nap, while waiting for the other students to come because now, it's just me, alone.

It's 6:21am and school starts at 7:30am. Guess I'll just sleep then, plus I slept late last night.

Great. Now I can't sleep, and I don't fucking know why. Ugh.

Kim Taehyung's POV:

"Fucking shit." I cursed, kicking the unlucky pebbles on the ground. Walking my way to school.

She just need to hear my explanation and we'd be okay! I fucking miss her already, damn.
Fuck you, Kim Taehyung. Stupid shit. Why did i even do it with that hoe? And just for money? Dang, you're really dumb, Taehyung.

Aight now I'm having an argument with myself. Ugh.

I walked to my class lazily and—

SHIT. Is that a purple-haired ghost?

Oh. It's Alice. Why is she so early? Is she sleeping?

I walked towards her and took a seat in front of her desk, "Hey?" I'm nervous.

She didn't look up, instead, she just groaned.

Alice is the only girl that can make me nervous for no reason. She's different one.

"Alice. I can explain." I know she's not sleeping.

"What the fuck so you want to say?" She replied with a cold tone, and is not even looking at me.

I missed you.

"Sh-she payed me to do it—"

"Seriously?! You are THAT desperate for money?! You can just ask me for money, you stupid asshole!" She looked up, shouting and starts crying– what the heck, she ain't crying loudly, just the tears are rolling down. Damn.

Fuck. I'm so dead.

"I'm sorry.." I said, caressing her shoulder, then she looked at me and slapped my face.

That's it.

"Fuck, Alice." I went closer, I cupped her face and kissed her with full force. She tried to push me but hell, no.

I fucking missed her.

arranged marriage; k.th [completed]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt