I followed the maid as I didn't even know where it was located, she left me in the capable hands of Conroy who was a security guard, who then handed me to Raymond and then finally I was escorted by Carl who was David's personal security guard.

When I entered, the round table which was placed in the center of the room and every chair was occupied by men who had faces that I could only explain by the term bitch face. It was as if a natural scorn was resting upon them.

"What's this about David?" I asked.

"This is about what I said earlier." He replied calmly.

"Let vote.." a man said hesitantly.

"This matter has already been decided on by me, there will be no further discussion about this, nor will there be any vote. My decision is not up for debates."

"But sir,-" Started the other one only to be silenced by a bang which emanated from David's fist colliding with the desk.

"Elizabeth," he addressed me, "Welcome to the inner circle, you are officially a member of the council, and all important decisions are made here pertaining to matters of the state."

Boldly I said surprisingly "why do you want me on a council who clearly doesn't want me here and nor will support any advice I have to give?"

David raised his eyebrow and the other men on the council table started to watch me with interest rather than with contempt. "Because you will be a valuable addition, one the council does not yet foresee and also" he added with a smile "because you're a female and these men are your typical sexist male chauvinists." Maybe I was their one hope of standing up to David in matters they couldn't. it's like I could see it in their eyes.

"What they fail to see is that strategically placing you on the council is beneficial for those who still remember the Mason line and Elizabeth, you have become so wise that I feel this is the right place for you to learn everything you would ever want; your family, politics, murders.."

It seemed David had another agenda to placing me on the council. Had he been listening to my thoughts of avenging my family? More importantly had he heard me blame him for compelling me? This mind link was getting annoying.

'I'm giving you a taste of what power looks like, so that you make an informed decision on what you're giving up on.' I heard David in my mind.. talk about mind link.

'I know what I'm giving up.' Was my simple response.

The rest of the time I was just introduced to the members one by one and sat quietly listening to a very boring meeting the details of which became foggy as I tuned it out.

My first day on the council hadn't even passed yet and people were circling me like Hawks or vultures. They wanted to be my personal advisors and David had said that I needed people to guide me around.

But who could I trust to be my confidant when my own judgment was impaired?

I am happy I wasn't David. What I feel now is what he felt all his life. Everyone wants something in return. That's how the world works. It's no longer about trust, loyalty etc. Now it's all about who wants what. That my friend was the real question.

I'm not even kidding; just look at all these people staring at me...

Just when I was at the point of creeping out I was saved by Mike.

"You want that physical exam now?"

"Yes!" I said a little too enthusiastically.

"Well someone's excited."

"Well I don't want to be a part of this and end up choosing the worst advisor ever."

He laughed and said "I can help you if you want."

I smiled at said "Any help would be greatly appreciated."

We walked towards his office. "So this exam is going to be simple because we can't over exert you, you're already sick, feel dizzy and weak overall, not to mention battered and bruised and your lungs don't work." He winked in the end. "I could go on but I think you get the picture.

I nodded.

Saved by Mike I asked him, "So if you were in my position who would you pick?"

He replied saying, "I can see why it might be difficult to choose because you only know what these people show you as opposed to those people who already know them. They all are on their best behavior. What you want is someone who is smart and out spoken yet remains in their limits, you want someone who can reach a certain level of devious scheming yet not cross the necessary evil line. And you need someone who you can keep in line as well as someone who would keep you in check and provide that necessary balance. And the thing you need the most is someone who is super old, who has the strength to protect you and the knowledge that you wouldn't have. Most of all, being in the inner council, you need to choose someone who is worthy of your trust and this burden, someone who will be loyal to you and not scared of others. Sometimes someone's fate is literally in your hands. It needs to be someone smart enough to think outside the box-"

"Someone like you." I interjected.

"What? He looked at me surprised. "By giving you my opinion I did not mean to imply that I know everything or that I am good enough for this."

"Just the fact that you think you are not good enough for this is perfect, that hint of self-doubt is what I was looking for because everyone else I have met are full of themselves, they are so sure that they are perfect for this job, yet you know the real responsibilities that come with this job. You are knowledgeable, smart and powerful. You are everything that you have described to me and if you weren't the sort to think out of the box, David would have never asked you to figure out what is wrong with me medically, he trust you as well and I have seen your loyalty to him when you refused to go out with me.-"

"Elizabeth you know I cannot say no to you, do not put me in this position, I will end up disappointing you. I am not the man for this job. I am sure David will agree with me."

"That's all the better." Just the fact that it may bug David a little made this all the more enchanting. What was wrong with me?

Which brought me to the next topic; "this is not up for debate, you will be my council and adviser." I copied David. "So tell me have you found anything that would help in determining what is wrong with me?"

"It's the most confusing thing I have ever found in my medical history.."

That raised my interest. I smiled "I really am unique in all matters."

"It's not something you should take lightly Elizabeth."

"Oh Mikey, call me Liz, take it easy, otherwise you're going to get white hair very soon."

"Mikey?" he said making a sour face "No one has ever used that as a nick name for me."

"Awww, you don't like it?" I said messing his hair up.

He grabbed it and pushed me back "Damn it Liz, it's not something you should be joking about! You're dying!"

Love Z

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