i. a lot for me to take in

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"I think we a little too old for this game." She says, looking around as everyone takes a seat.

"We're only seniors Anni." A girl says, looking up at her. "Just take a seat and drink your apple juice ya big ole baby."

Anni sends the girl a glare, who in turn gives her a sweet smile. "I don't like drinking Niko, and you know that shit."

"Just sit down." One of the twins said, rolling his eyes. "People tryna get on with their lives. I not even want to play."

"Then why are you sitting there, Laurent?" Anni asks, crossing her arms. "You could get up at any time."

Laurent's frown deepens and he turns his glare to Anni. "What about you? You complainin too, so why you still here?"

"Because she has to play." Niko says, a smirk on her face. "I know a nigga in the kitchen getting drinks who begged me to persuade her into playing in hopes his dreams would come true." Niko crosses her arms. "Therefore, as the fairy godmother I am, she's playing."

"Who want to kiss Annette?" Laurent's twin, Larry asks, making Anni cut her eyes to him. "I just asking. Not to be mean. Curious."

Anni narrows her eyes a bit. "Stop calling me that."

"Is your name, no?"

"Yes, but I prefer Anni."

Before Larry could say anything else, two guys and two girls exit the kitchen, bottles and cups in hand, completing the group.

This group was a tight knit one. Big but very close. It consisted of many different personalities.

Niko. She was the one who loved to play match maker, despite it never working. She wanted everyone to be happy and in love and get along. A hopeless romantic. She wanted a fairy tale ending not only for herself but for everyone else, even if it meant forcing two people that dislike each other together. She always believed her judgement was better than anyone else's.

Anni, or Annette as she hates to be called. She was the girl who kept everyone grounded. Sarcastic, witty, sometimes a little mean and a tad bit 'ghetto'. She never backed down from any type of challenge. She hated being seen as weak, so she doesn't hold back at times. She could be very harsh and blunt, but she has a sweet side in front of certain people.

Laurent and Larry. They never separated, no matter what. They were the life of the part at times and then on other times they were wallflowers. Laurent was the mean one and Larry was the nice one, but sometimes their personalities flipped. Anni had a slight fascination with the two. She's never known a pair of twins before, so seeing the interactions between the two and their interactions with everyone else was interesting to her.

Moving on.

Tai. He was the prank king no one could stand, but everyone kept around because he was hilarious. He had the best jokes out of everyone and always wanted to joke around. Luckily for him, Anni kept him under wraps, causing people to think the two were involved.

Kim. She was the one that starts the drama. She has no problem letting people know what's going on in her love life and wanted to know what was going on in everyone else's. She can't hold a secret to herself, which is why half of the group doesn't talk to her. She's dished out more people's dirty laundry than her own.

Stephon. He was the thot. He got around. His theme song literally was 'I Get Around' by Tupac. Everyone bought the ringtone to that song off iTunes just to put it as his ringtone. He didn't even care. He knew he flirted with just about every girl, and slept with plenty. He also played a lot of them, promising them many things but never fulfilling them. Anni and Niko always believed that he had gotten his heart broken so bad he turned into the cold hearted beast he is today. Anni actually knew why he acted the way he did, but she promised not to speak a word of it. Ever.

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