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This story takes place over the span of a few weeks. It happened in my mom's house when I still lived there, one or two years back. And it began when I started to feel a presence in the house. It drifted around the house, coming and going from time to time, and I didn't really pay much attention to it.

What I noticed though, but really thought through afterwards, was that the presence only moved around on the first floor, but once. I felt it upstairs (where my room, my little brother's room, and a small bathroom are) only one time, and it then did not check out my room or anything, just my brother's and the bathroom.

I found that slightly strange. But everything came to an end after a few weeks of this. It happened when I came home from an early day of school. I went straight to the living room couch to rest, because I hadn't felt good all day.

I don't know how long I lay there - maybe twenty to thirty minutes - when I suddenly wake up from my half-dazed state. I turned to face the hall and stairs (and the kitchen further away) when I suddenly felt the presence - pretty sure it was a man - coming down the stairs.

The man stopped at the end of the steps; standing in the hall, right beside the living room doorway, and after a second he turned his focus towards me, like he was looking at me, and I felt that now he was done visiting our place and would move on to the next, and the presence left in our neighbor's direction.

Since then I have never felt the presence again.

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