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I was catching the last train back from London and had about an hour to kill at a station. It was late, and there were just two of us on the platform; me, and a little girl. It's unusual to see a little girl on her own in the dead of night, so I parked myself on a bench about 20m away, and decided to subtly keep an eye on her to make sure she was okay.

This girl appeared to be about ten years old or so, in her school uniform. Very, very still. After five minutes passed, this little girl was still standing in exactly the same position that she was before, staring directly at me. Ten minutes passed. Fifteen.

I could feel her eyes burning into my soul. I considered going to find help, but then a cleaner walked past her. He didn't even look at her, he just swept past.

Twenty minutes.

It was getting ridiculous. This poor little girl had been abandoned or something. I decided that when 25 minutes passed, I'd hop up and go ask her if she was okay. I took a picture to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

I stood up and tentatively walked towards her. I got a bit closer. I saw her face, the shadows hitting it under the dim station lights. It looked half melted, like she had no real eyes.

My heart was pumping faster and faster and faster. I was scared, I admit, but I knew this girl needed someone's help. I needed to go ask her if she was okay. Besides, what kind of person would I be if I just left her there?

I walked up closer to her, opened my mouth to ask her something, trembling. And I couldn't believe what I saw. She was made of Lego. She was a goddamn art installation made of Lego. Just standing there, being creepy, staring at people and being made of Lego.

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