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"The Supernatural is the Natural, just not yet understood."
Elbert Hubbard

Thr are many unsolved mysteries when it comes 2 the paranormal. The topics of spirits, ghosts, & other entities frm beyond the grave hv appealed 2 mankind all thru-out HIST.. Many believe tht souls r'main on earth evn when the PHYS. bdy hs passed as a means of resolving unsolved BIZ. Many believe tht these spirits may not realize tht they hv PHYS'LY GONE & r lost on our PHYS plane. Many hv the opinion tht ghosts wander along w/ the living in an attempt 2 pay penance 2 the acts & thoughts tht they hd YL on earth. Many believe tht spirits come in the 4M of angels & demons & r part of the nvr ending battle of Gd versus evil.

Regardless of wot 4M ghosts / spirits come in & Y they r present, tis a fact tht the living is not alone. There have been countless paranormal investigations, documented evidence in the 4M of ghost pics, ghost vids, & evn electronic voice recording EQUIP tht validate the fact tht ghosts r, in fact, v real.

I feel tht the mysteries of the paranormal wrld shd b documented. Thru-out this book u will find a NUM of stories regarding those shadows tht u observe frm the corner of ur eye, the misty figures tht u may observe at an old historical sight, & hauntings tht r believed 2 occur @ various locations thru-out the wrld.

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