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Mom and I went down to Phoenix from Flagstaff to the Parade of Homes with her friend and her friend's two daughters one year in the 1990's. Mom was always going to Phoenix for one reason or another, I think she prefered it to Flagstaff. My dad moves us often, so I think they were only in Flagstaff for 7 / 8 years. I stayed 12 years to finish school.

Anyway, we went through the Parade, like we did every year, and then wondered what to do with the rest of the afternoon. Mom spotted a sign for an estate sale, so we went to investigate. We pulled up to a huge white mansion with the doors wide open and cars parked everywhere. I wanted to stay in the car, I was really feel ill looking at the house, but mom was turning off the car, and I didn't want to roast to death. I hadn't eaten anything out of the ordinary, and the sick feeling only happened as we drove towards the estate.

When we got to the house, there was a woman sitting in the entry at a makeshift table and told us to go and take a look around. I didn't hear her, but mom said later that it was the Maytag family's house.

I went up the tiled stairs, and into the hallway, which was also tiled. I had to hang onto the walls, it was ridiculous how ill I felt. There was a pink bedroom on the left with a woman looking at something to buy, and I started to get the very strong impression to either jump out the window myself or that someone previously had thrown a person out the window. I stayed in the hallway and stood on tiptoe. Out the window was concrete and a pool.

I kept walking/leaning down to the end bedroom, not taking much notice of the furniture for sale or the people browsing. I got to that bedroom, the master and took a look into the bathroom. As I glanced in the mirror, I saw superimposed on my reflection that of a little girl. I looked at her for a minute, turned around and quickly went back down the stairs. By the time I found mom and her friend in the stage area, I was in tears. I said, "I'm going to the car, I feel horrible."

With every step I took away from that house, the better I felt. Mom said in the car on the way back, she thought something was weird there. I was still feeling ill, although it gradually got better the farther away we were, so I said nothing. I still am bothered by that experience, has anyone heard of anything happening there?! I wish I had the address or could find it again. It was a terrible feeling.

STRANGE BUT TRUE TALESWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt