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What Is Astral Travel?

Normally we r stuck tightly 2 our bodies. We r so used 2 this CASE tht we dnt evn fink abt it. Howeva, occasionally smthng cn hppn tht mks us temporarily LV our bodies. Ppl hv believed in the existence of the astral body fr 1000's of YR'S. Tis thought 2 b an exact replica of the PHYS body (see astral aura) 2 wh tis joined by a SILV. cord. USU'LY the astral & PHYS bodies r PERF'LY aligned, but sometimes, fr VAR. reasons, they cn become separated. Tis when this hppns tht we hv the sensation of LV'ING our bodies. This is kn as astral travel.

The SILV. cord attaches PHYS body 2 astral body.  Tis 1LY cut on death.

Astral Doorways:

Astral doorways r sym's & pics wh hlp trigger astral travel. Tarot cards cn b used as astral doorways but the definitive doorways, used by psychics fr 100's of YR'S, are the Tattwas. The #5 primary tattwa sym's r simple coloured shapes — a YEL SQ (earth), BLU CIRC (air), RED triangle (fire), SILV crescent (moon) & BLK oblong (ether) - and ea one cn b used as a focal point 2 trigger astral projection & giv access 2 a specific prt of the astral plane.

Tattwas To Trigger Astral Projection:

1. Once u hv printed ur image, find a quiet plce & relax.
2. Choose a sym & gaze intently @ it fr a min, then turn it ov & gaze @ the blank side.
3. As u gaze @ the blank side an optical reflex will cause the sym 2 appear on the back of the card. Now close ur eyes & visualize wot u hv seen, mentally enlarging the image til tis big enuf fr u 2 pass thru.
4. Imagine urself stepping thru this mass of colour as if it were an actual door 2 the astral plane.

Getting Started On The Astral Traveller's Path:

Like NE skill, astral travel takes time & practice but those experienced in astral travel tell fascinating stories of their experiences. Some TRAV 2 secret realms whr they meet spirit guides & spend hrs researching ancient txts. When they wake up, their clocks show tht 1LY a few mins hv passed.

Your Astral Body:

The astral body cms IN2 'life' on the astral plane, also kn as the astral world. The astral world is the plce tht the astral body enters during periods of sleep, undr the action of anesthetics / STONES, by accident when a pers is unconscious, / IMMED'LY aftr death. The astral world is not NORM'LY visible 2 ordinary sight, yet tis regarded as a real dwelling of ppl's HI-R spiritual bodies.

According 2 shamanism the astral body resembles the PHYS body but is md ^ of a subtle field of shining & flexible light tht encases the body, visible 1LY by a psychically sensitive pers. Tis thought tht when we sleep the astral body cn separate frm the PHYS body, wh results in flying dreams & the experience of disorientation experienced if u wake suddenly & the astral body hasn't hd time 2 line ^ w/ the PHYS #1. Drvn by emo's, passions & desires, the astral body is believed 2 be a bridge betwn the PHYS brain & a HI-R LVL of mind.

Out-Of-Body Experiences:

Out of body experiences (OOBEs) cn occur spontaneously. Ppl who hv experienced OOBEs r'port bng in their body #1 mo & then suddenly finding themselves outside their body. They might b floating above their body & able 2 c them, / they might find themselves in completely diff'rent & alien SURR'INGS, such as whirling thru space. Aftr the experience is ov, the pers hvng the OOBE r'ports the sensation of re-entering their body, oft. thru their head (crown chakra). They variously describe this as EZ / PERVERSE. OOBEs r believed 2 involve the pers's astral body temporarily LV'ING the confines of the PHYS body. V oft the pers describes bng able 2 c the SILV cord linking his astral body 2 his PHYS body, & being aware tht he will die if this SILV cord is severed. Sometimes a pers will hv an OOBE during an operation / YL he is ill. Howeva, he is equally likely 2 hv #1 YL he is asleep / B4 he falls asleep, when he is PERF'LY well. Out-of-body experiences r believed 2 b examples of astral travel.

Near-Death Experiences:

Thr is nothing new abt near-death experiences (NDEs). They were RECD'D in the Tibetan Book of the Dead frm the 8th-CENT. BCE. Once called death-bed visions, NDEs r now the SUBJ. of books & lengthy studies 2 determine whether / not they really exist. Wot is striking abt them is tht they all conform 2 mor / less the same PATT.. PERH. most remarkable of all is tht ppl who hv NDEs r changed 4EVA by the experience. They may become mor sensitive / compassionate as a result; they may mk dramatic chngs 2 their lives; / they cn discover MUFFLED talents.

As its nme implies, an NDE occurs when some1 is on the brink of death. She spontaneously LV'S her body & @ first is aware of evrythng tht is going on around her. She floats 2WRDS a drk tunnel, wh she enters, & emerges IN2 bright light whr she is greeted by friendly ppl, who may b deceased loved ones, strangers / religious FIG'S such as angels / J.C. She then hs a review of her life, in wh she assesses wot she hs learned & wot she still needs 2 learn. It is usually @ this point tht she is told she must r'turn 2 earth, & reluctantly re-enters her body.

Skeptics claim tht NDEs r nothing > sensations experienced YL the brain dies, but they r unable 2 explain Y ppl who hv these experiences r FREQ'LY able 2 describe in complete detail wot hs bn going on around them during the NDE. In some cases ppl describe wot they saw on top of wardrobes / cupboards when they floated ^ 2 the ceiling, & hosp. patients cn recount evnts tht took plce in other parts of the BUILD. during their NDEs.

Astral Projections:

Some ppl r able 2 LV their bodies @ will am& TRAV on the astral plane. They cn also visit other plces in this wrld / wtch ppl they know, YL r'maining invisible themselves, B4 r'turning 2 their bodies. This is a v similar process 2 an OOBE. Astral projection is sometimes confused w/ etheric projection, in wh the pers LV'S his body, but is CLR'LY seen by whoeva he visits.

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