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I live in a small town, where teachers actually have to come in from the city to teach. So they have these houses that the teachers rent for the school year. This summer, I got a job cleaning them. I was starting on the seventh house when things just felt weird and just plain freaky.

Like the vibes in that house were different, you can feel the sadness, anger and bitterness. My first day at that house, I could feel someone in the house with me, every time I turned back I swear I could hear and feel someone walking around and coming right up to me, but when I turn no one would be there.

By the end of the day I couldn't wait to get out of there. The next day, I asked my sister to come with me to clean the house. When we first got the house, I told her to open all the windows and as I turned into the living room, I see an apparition of a young woman (maybe in her 20's) sitting on the couch gazing out the window.

I froze then when I blinked she was gone. Throughout that whole morning we can hear footsteps, see shadows like someone was going about their day. Just before lunch, I was sitting in the living room when I saw the same apparition I saw earlier, walk by the kitchen toward the hall.

So I went to look and there was nobody. A few minutes later, I was sweeping up in the living room when I looked up and saw the apparition of my old math teachers girlfriend, who had frozen to death a few years before, standing there watching me and she just walked into the room. After that I left.

I never went back to that house, I can't explain well enough how it felt in that house but whatever was in there doesn't like people visiting. There was just an overwhelming, heavy feeling inside. Other things happened in that house, a stack of books I had piled up were thrown all over the room. You can hear banging, knocking and a woman crying/talking.

I think the stuff I saw and heard in that house will stay with me for a while.

STRANGE BUT TRUE TALESWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt