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A yg man, Joseph Ritchi Hamilton, wz wondering the PROP. w/ his gun on APR 15th 1875. He attempted 2 climb a fence, but stumbled & fell, accidentally shooting & killing himself. His father found him & decided 2 bury his bdy whr he found it. And so marked the first burial @ Woodlawn cemetery. It hs since become #1 of the largest cemeteries in the area, a resting plce 2 ov 15,000 souls across 42 acres. It contains the bodies on v-w-kn ppl in the area such as congressman, senators, ov 100 civil war veterans, @ evn the father of the state of West Virginia; Francis Harrison Pierpont.

When u 1st enter the cemetery, thr is a LRG stone BUILD. on the left tht lks v old & worn dwn. U will C broken windows, vines creeping ^ the sides, & boards in an attempt 2 kp vandals out of this 4M'R funeral parlour/chapel/caretaker hme, built in 1928. As u TRAV further in u will notices thr r SEV. private mausoleums, some of wh the doors will not close all the wy & lk long 4GOTTEN. As u go ^ a v LRG hill 2 the right of the cemetery, @ the v top is a v LRG, beautiful, foreboding BUILD.. This giant STRUCT. is kn as the Woodlawn Abby. Tis in fact owned by diff'rent ppl then who own the cemetery, but is on the same PROP.. This GR8 mausoleum cost $100,000 to build & tht wz in 1924. It hse's 500 bodies entombed in crypts, ea w/ marble faces. If u want 2 go in, u cn stop by on a norm. weekday @ the Wesbanco in downtown fairmont 2 borrow the keys, / call the superintendent of the cemetery fr her 2 opn the Abby ahead of time.

Now the reason I post this as a haunted location is because of some experiences ppl hv had walking 'round this location. U may PREF. 2 come here @ night as thr  is almost alw nvr NE1 thr. U get a v eerie feeling walking by the LRG empty funeral parlour, like somebody is watching u wlk by, #1 pers evn swears #1 time he saw a shadow FIG. in the window. Wlkng P. the graves, u will feel uneasy, like some1 is FOLL'ING U, & ^ by the big  mausoleum, phones & cameras hv encountered BEEFS - cameras suddenly go down 2 the BATT'S almost being GONE, & phones hv almost died frm the sudden BATT. loss.

I encourage u 2 go 2 this LUSH cemetery & check it out fr yourself,  they welcome guests 2 come wlk the PROP., & bring a camera 2 snap some photos on the wy, u nvr know wot u cud catch on film!

Also go to this website:

Fr more info on this location & directions on how to get here.

I 1LY warn tht if u pln on going here @ night, plz take a few ppl w/ u. Tis not in the safer part of town & u nvr know who cud b creeping around! Happy ghost hunting! And plz shr NE stories U hv frm this location! I love 2 read 'em!

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