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The Watseka Wonder:

One of the most compelling cases of spirit possession in American history occurred right here in Illinois.

In 1878 in the small town of Watseka, a 13-year old girl named Lurancy Vennum began to slip into short-lived comas. When she awoke, she spoke of having gone to heaven, and claimed to have communicated with spirits.

Her parents sought the help of Dr. E. Winchester Stevens, who was a doctor and a spiritualist.

Dr. Stevens advised Lurancy to allow one of the spirits to take over her body until she was strong enough to fight the catatonic spells on her own. Lurancy complied, and when she awoke, she claimed to be Mary Roff, who died in a mental hospital when Lurancy was an infant.

Incredibly, Mary Roff's family still lived in Watseka, and Lurancy asked to be returned to them. As "Mary Roff," she seemed to have intimate knowledge of her former life, and convinced the Roffs that she was indeed channeling the soul of their long-deceased daughter.

After four months, she said it was time to depart, and Lurancy awoke with no knowledge of what had happened.

To this day, no one has been able to explain this incredible event.

Roff House - Watseka, Illinois

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