"Got it!" Louis cried, throwing his burning driftwood into the pile. 

"Me too!" Niall called, tossing his in after Louis’. 

Liam and Harry's pieces of driftwood quickly caught fire too, and dumped them on the bonfire. 

"I know! One of my guitars is in the minibus; I'll go and get it!" Niall smiled, running off towards the car park.

I smiled after him and sat down in front of the fire. Harry sat next to me, Liam next to Harry, Louis next to Liam and Tally sat on Louis' lap. Niall returned with his guitar and sat down next to me. I watched him get it out of its case and carefully tune it. He slowly strummed out a chord pattern on the guitar, nodding his head in time to the rhythm. I smiled as the music filled the air around us. Niall was incredible at playing the guitar! I mean, obviously I'd heard him play before, but you never realise just how good he is until you hear him play it for real, not on a CD or through huge speakers at a concert. When he's playing just for you. After about a minute of playing a complicated strumming pattern, he simplified it, and I knew what was coming. The iconic chords and strumming pattern; of course he was playing their debut hit!

"You're insecure, 

Don't know what for,

You're turning heads when your walk through the door-or-or,

Don't need make-up,

To cover up,

Being the way that you are is enou-ou-ough.

Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you-ou.”

Harry, Louis and Liam joined in at the chorus, and Tally and I nodded our heads in time to the rhythm, both with huge smiles plastered across our faces.

“Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know, oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful, oh-oh,

That's what makes you beautiful.

So c-come on,

You've got it wrong,

To prove I'm right, I put it in a so-o-ong,

I don't know why,

You're being shy, 

And turn away, when I look into your ey-ey-eyes.

Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you-ou.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know, oh-oh,

You don't know you're beautiful, oh-oh,

That's what makes you beautiful.”

By the time they’d got to the “Na na na na na na na na na na”s, Tally and I were on our feet, doing some crazy dancing. Louis jumped up and joined in with Tally, and Liam, Harry and Niall started dancing with me, even though Niall was still playing his guitar.

When it was Harry’s bit, he came over to me and started over-acting the lyrics, teasing me. Over his shoulder, I could see Louis mouthing the words to tally, but in a much more serious way than Harry. It was cute; they were the perfect couple.

Let Me Be Your Last | z.m vs n.h fanfic [MAJOR EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now