"Blue-Headed, Sci-Fi Nerd"

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Melody's p.o.v.

"Okay, um, fuck I-" I rolled my eyes and stood back up. "Look, if you don't have any-" He quickly stood up and pressed his lips to mine. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer. He chuckled and spun me around. 'Boys and girls of every age-'  I sighed and reached in my back pocket, answering it. Jaime pouted and I put up a finger. "H-hello?" I almost yelled. Why did my stupid phone have to ring?! I was enjoying the shit out of that. "Yes, is this Miss Melody Perry?" A very snooty voice questions. I roll my eyes and look at the caller i.d. 'Theresa's School Of The Arts'  Shit! I forgot about school! "Um, y-yes ma'am? T-this is she." I tried to sound as cool as possible but, towards the end my voice cracked. "This is Loretta Samson, I'm calling on behalf of Theresa's-"
"School Of The Arts. Yeah, I know. I have caller I.d." I explain. She sighed.  "Miss Perry, we have your attendance record here on file and we regret to inform you, under the circumstances of limited spacing, you have been expelled." My jaw dropped and tears welled up in my eyes. "B-but..y-you cant! Piano is my life! What else am i gonna do?!"
"We don't do refunds and you'll have to pick up your belongings by Friday. Goodbye!" I groan and throw my phone before collapsing to my knees and sobbing. Belive it or not, I love playing piano. I take every emotion I've been feeling and push it into a piece. It's just my escape. "Oh my god, Mel! Are you alright?!" Jaime picked me up and cradled me, rubbing my back as I cried. "I-it's over.." He frowned and his eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean? What's over?" I shook my head frantically and sobbed. "Everything,Jaime. Everything is over.." I mumble over and over. He kissed my head. "Shh..everything is gonna-"
"No! Don't you dare say everything is gonna be alright!" He stared at me, confused and shocked. I sighed and explained myself. "I wasn't being entirely honest with you when we met..." He nodded for me to go on. "I am-..well i was in college." He smirked. "For what?" I smile and stand, pulling him by the hand to a room in the back. Earlier, when I was on Mike carried us here, we passed by a room with a piano. It was a beautiful black piano, sitting on an empty stage. I drug him along. "Where are we going?" I turned corners and took shortcuts. "To show you my talent,duh." I state, as if it were obvious. He chuckled and I started running, him struggling to keep up. "C'mon,slow poke!" I tease,giggling. Without warning I'm lifted up onto his back. "Uh, Jaime? What are you doing?" He shrugged and glanced up at me. "Giving a beautiful, blue-headed, sci-fi nerd a ride on my back. Duh!" He states mockingly. I blush and he waits for directions. "Oh, uh, yeah! Take two more lefts, then pass through the hall at the end." I instructed. "Got it, gorgeous!" I nod and blush. "You gotta stop doing that.." He laughs and I nuzzle into his neck.
We arrive in front of the doors and I push them open. I slowly walk on the stage and gasp in amazement. The stage was beautiful. I snapped out of it and walked calmly over to the piano. If he wasn't here with me i probably would've ran over shouting 'My precious, My precious' like the nerd I am. But, I really like him so, I'll pass on embarrassing myself for now. "Woah, this place is amazing!" Jaime yells, his voice echoing from the empty walls. "Yeah, I love it too. Come sit, I want to show you something." He nods and skips over and sat down on the seat with me. "You play?" I ask. He laughs and shrugs. "A little.." I smirk. "A little huh?" He nods triumphantly. "Proof?" I taunt. He turned to the piano and played a small melodic pattern. I gaped as he closed his eyes, putting as much emotion as possible into it. "Wow. That was awesome! Nice job...but I can do better." I shrug. He raises a eyebrow. "Really, shortstop?" I roll my eyes and nod. "Take it away." He gestures to the pino, then crosses his arms over his chest. "What doesn't kill you, makes you wish you were dead. I git a hole in my soul, going deeper and deeper.And i can't take.." I put everything I had into this song. I truly gave it my all. It's like something took over me, I couldn't let up once I started. By the end of the song a tear escapes. He reaches over and wipes it away. "Hey, don't cry,love.That was stunning. Not as much as you of course." I smile and lean on his shoulder. "Thanks, Jaime." He shook his head and kissed my temple. "No worries, Perry." I giggle and kiss his cheek. "Ya' know..that kiss was nice from earlier.." I rolled my eyes playfully. "And?" I press. He laughs. "May I have this dance?" He stands and reaches his hand out for mine. "Right now? Riv's band is on in five minutes," He shugs it off and pulls me up. He pulled me close and we rock back and forth gently. "This is nice." I place my head on his chest and take in his intoxicatong sent, cinnamon and lavender. "Yeah, it is. Mel?" I hum and he lifts up my chin. "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile wide and nod. "Yes, of course!" His eyes go wide. "Really?!" I nod "Seriously?! Like, this isn't a prank?" I laugh and shake my head. "No, I'm positive this is real." He smirks. "Well, in that case.." He dips me and slowly leans down, capturing my lips with his own. I gotta say, it felt great.

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