"The Sky Silly"

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By the way, sorry about all the flashbacks. Next chapter will be a regular one.

Emily's p.o.v.


"Hey! So, do you love me, yet?" I smiled. "Yes." I smacked her while still smiling. "What the-what was that for?!" I smirked and sat her down. "For not telling me about this." She sighed. "Yeah, i guess, i deserved that one." I giggled when the guys came into the room celebrating. "Drinks! Drinks! Drinks!" Jack was the only one yelling "Boobies! Boobies!Boobies!" I smirked and rolled my eyes. "Here we go Galaxy, here we go! Here we go Galaxy, here we go!" Everyone stopped and looked at me. I shrugged and leaned back in my chair. Matt came over and wrapped a protective arm around Jada and kissed her cheek. "JADA?! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER?! HOW COME YOU NEVER TOLD ME?!" She smiled and shrugged. "We didn't make it official until a few days ago." I glared at her playfully and turned my attention to him. "If you hurt her..there is nothing holding me back from killing you and feeding your body parts to sharks. Kapeash?" He nodded vigorously. "Yes! Yup. Uh, got it!" I smiled proud of my work and turned to see Alex staring at me while talking to Jack. I waved and he sat on my lap and kissed my forehead. My face went red and i avoided everyone's eyes. "Aww, Lexy! She's blushing!" I glared at Jack to see him grinning like a mad man-which, he is. So, he was grinning like Jack. "Can i talk to you outside for a minute?" Alex didn't even give me a chance to answer before standing up and offering me a hand. "Only if we can sit on the roof?" I took his hand and stood up. He smirked and nodded. My eyes went wild and my heart pounded against my chest. "Use protection!" Jada called once we shut the door. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his arm and dragged him behind me to the staircase. "After you.." He shook his head and chuckled and i followed him up. "By the way, you gotta stop doing that." He furrowed his brows together. "Doing what?" I gestured to him not sure of how to put it. "Makignasd hakjhd jhsku.." He laughed and stood up walking over and sitting next to me. Our arms touched making my heart flutter and giving me chills."You know that those weren't real words right, Em?" I shrugged and watched the beautiful skyline. "Are we in Baltimore?" I didn't want to say what i was actually feeling. I don't know why i do it but, it just happens. "Yes, now say what you were about to say." I thought about telling him but decided against it. I didn't wanna fuck up this friendship by wanting more. I fuck everything else up i at least want to keep this. "WE'RE IN BALTIMORE?!" I stood up and sat on the edge with my feet dangling. "Emily, tell me what's up." I didn't want to look at him, knowing if i did i would spill everything. I could never lie to him. But, that doesn't mean i cant stall. "The sky silly." I faked a giggle. He sighed and sat next to me. Our closeness gave me goosebumps. I couldn't take it anymore. I stood up abruptly and walked swiftly away from him, pacing. "THAT! Don't do stuff like that! Don't pretend that you in the slightest bit like me because we both know what i did! I'm not worth it! You don't have to pretend and make me fall for you and tear me down later! I got that covered myself." He stood up and marched over to me and looked kinda pissed. Out of habit, with every step he took, i took one backwards. I couldn't move back any farther and he was getting closer. I just closed my eyes not knowing what else to do. He grabbed my arms and pulled me into him. Before i knew what was happening, his lips collided with mine. What the-Is this really happening or am i daydreaming? I peaked out of one eye to see him looking down breathless at me. I opened the other and he laid his forehead on mine, our noses touching. "Wh-what just happened?" He smiled and kissed me again. I instantly kissed back and it was a passionate and loving kiss. One of those innocent and tender ones. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my waist pulling me as close as possible. I pulled back, panting for air and he kissed my forehead. "Em?" I looked up at his deep chocolate brown eyes. "Y-yeah?" Please, don't tell me it was all just a big mistake. Of course, that's what it is. That's always what it is. "Emily?" I shook the thoughts away and mumbled a 'sorry'. He chuckled and took a deep breath. "I said, i, uh, loved you ever since the 10th grade..never stopped, never will. You're the only girl i ever had feelings for.." He trailed nervously. I smiled wide. "I have the same thing for you, Lex. But, you had a girlfriend and you broke up with her and then got back with her again. Then, broke up-" He laughed and cut off my ranting with a quick kiss. "You really need to learn to stop with the awkward speeches." I giggled a little love-struck. "Will do, Gaskarth.." He walked us over to the big vent and sat down not letting go of my hands. "Will you be my girlfriend, Emily Alissa Andrews?" I smirked. I always hoped this would happen and now that it has. It's the best feeling in the world. "Yes." He kissed my hands and put me on his lap. "I'm glad to call you mine." My heart fluttered again and my knees went weak. "I'm glad to be yours." He turned my head to face him. "Let me see your arms." I felt my heart drop to my stomach and i felt like throwing up. I nodded solemnly and pulled up the sleeves to my sweater. His thumbs grazed over them causing me to hiss. "Sorry. Why are there new ones?" I felt like the world was crashing underneath me. He was my gravity so i had to tell him the truth. But i was worried he might blame himself. "I thought you didn't want to talk to me anymore so.." His jaw dropped and i felt his heart race a million times a minute. "Oh, i'm sorry. That wasn't-..i didn't..i'm sorry." He stumbled. I kissed him. It was the only state of reassurance i can give at this point. "I just, i didn't want to ruin the surprise.." I nodded. "I get it, Lex.." He smiled. "I love you." I smiled wider than ever. "I love you too." Tonight I was going to show him.


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