"Shut Up"

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~Emily's p.o.v.~

"Dude, we've been driving for 3 hours now. I'm pretty sure you're lost." Jada is one of those people who always has to be right. It doesn't matter if she's wrong. She'll make up something to be right. "I know where i'm going, Em. Relax. We are almost there." I rolled my eyes and leaned my head on the window. "You said that half an hour ago." I watched as the beauty of the sunset painted the sky. I quickly swiveled back and grabbed my Cannon taking about 12 pictures before it set. I looked through them and scratched the ones that sucked. I ended up with about two left. I love taking pictures. I was taking classes to make it my profession but it got too expensive. Of course, Jada and mister Ryan offered to help but, i'm one of those people who hate that type of stuff. She smiled and parked the car in front of a loud warehouse. "Um, are you trying to bump me off?" She giggled and shook her head. "Just, come on." I sighed and did what she said. She stopped me about half way. I looked behind her and seen a bunch of screaming girls and a big guy guarding the door. "Close your eyes." I huffed and closed them getting annoyed with her frequent demands. She slipped on a blindfold and grabbed my hand again. "This way-step up. Okay, now turn left. Okay, stay. I will be right back." The screams were kinda louder but still dim. I tried to feel around and felt a body in front of me. "Wow. You either move fast or you didn't move at all--either way, you suck." I took off the blindfold seeing a guy smirking and he chuckled looking down at me. It sounded familiar but i let it slide. It couldn't be. "Wow, Em, no hug or anything, huh? As your best friend that kinda hurts." My eyes went wide in shock and my jaw unhinged. "A-Alex?! But, i-it cant be. You live all the way in Baltimore." He laughed and brought me in for a hug. "I always wished i could do this. To hear your voice, just wasn't enough." I hugged him as tight as i could, hoping it wasn't a dream or fantasy that would go away. I didn't even realize my sleeve rolled up. He pulled back and snatched my arm. "Wh-...What are-..Why?" I swallowed a sob and looked at my shoes. "It's nothing." I took my hand back and slid it into my pocket. He sighed and gave me another hug. I reacted quickly and smelled his intoxicating scent. It smelled like hairspray and mints. I smiled and snuggled into his chest. He kissed my head. "Alex! There you are! We have to go on in 5! We still need to go over the set list and-Hi!" Alex let go and i turned to see a tall and lanky boy with blonde highlights. "Jack, this is Emily. Emily, this is the annoying 19 year old cock-block, Jack." He waved and i giggled. "So, this is the girl that you never stop talking about?" He ran over and nudged him. "Shut up." I giggled and shook my head. "Wow. She is pretty. Do you want to maybe, i don't know, go out later?" I looked at him and stuttered. Alex looked at me. Jack just waited patiently. I always had feelings for Alex. Him and only him. There was no way i was going to go out with Jack. No offense to him. "Uh, i actually have feelings for someone else. Sorry, Jack." I glanced at Alex and watched as his face dropped. Did he want me to go out with Jack? "No problem! I just thought..never mind. Anyway, i love the sweater." I looked down and back at him. "Thanks! I love Tim Burton!" He smiled and his eyes widened. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! I LOVE TIM BURTON! Well, not in that way but, yeah! His movies are awesome!" I smiled and high-fived him. Alex shifted uncomfortably while Jack wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Are you gonna stand side stage?" I shrugged. He laughed. "Wasn't a question, sweetie." I looked at him quizzically before being swooped over his shoulder. I was finally set down hearing the crowd screaming. I slapped his chest and he laughed. Alex came up behind him with two other guys. "What's thi-..NO! You actually made it big time, didn't you?!" He chuckled and nodded. "Yup! And do you remember what you said if i ever did?" I nodded. "Uh, how could i forget? I said i'd be there side stage cheering you on." He smiled. Which i gotta say, made it harder not falling for him. "Right. So, you're here now aren't you? Side stage." I giggled and nodded. I couldn't wipe the goofy smile off my face. "I'll see you after the show, Em." I hugged him. "I'll be here..i promise." He wrapped his other arm around me and i pulled him back arms length. We both stared. My eyes slowly lingered from his lips back to his eyes. He did the same. We leaned in inches away- "Sorry to interrupt this moment but, Alex here has a show to do!" He was pulled on stage. I sighed and watched. He shot me an apologetic smile. I shook my head and watched. Jack was talking to the crowd about 'the correct way to give a blow job.' It was pretty funny. I felt a presence next to me. "I'm Matt and you must be...Emily, right?" I nodded and shook his hand. "That's me! Um, have you seen my friend Jada?" He chuckled. "Yeah, she's in the bathroom." I nodded. "This song, is kinda out there but i thought why not? It's not a finished project. Barely even a project. But, it's called Dear Maria Count Me In." He looked at me and started playing. "I got your picture i'm comin' with you dear Maria count me in. There's a story at the bottom of this bottle and i'm the pen..." Him, Jack, and the guys looked like they were having fun. No doubt. I was having fun watching. I just hated how our little moment got shifted. Well, it's not like he thought of me any way other than a friend anyways. I just hope that it doesn't change anything.


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