"Baby Barakat"

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~Jack's p.o.v~

"Dad?" I sat up and squinted, looking around to see my curtain open. "Yeah?" I heard her tiny voice sigh. "I can't belive i'm saying this but, can i get some advice on something?" I immediatley sprang out of the bunk and dragged her to the back. "YES! I always wanted to do this!" She raised her eyebrow and chuckled. "You did, huh?" I nod excitedly and pull her to sit next to me. "So, what's up?" She gives a nervous laugh and shrugs. "Well..."

~Destiny's p.o.v.~

Let's just say this was the last thing i wanted to do. I mean, come to my dad about my love life? Really, when did i stoop this low? This conversation is gonna be so awkward. He's probably gonna get all weird and judgemental. Ugh! Why me?! "So, what's up?" I laughed and shrugged nervously. "Well, funny thing-" Alex ran back out of breath and smiling. "JACK! You'll never believe who i just freaking saw!" Dad's head snapped to him and he jumped up running over, squealing. " Matt Damon?!" Alex stopped smiling and gave him a wierd look, shaking his head. "No, dick-face! I saw Maddy!" His jaw dropped and my eyes switched between the two. "Her and Dare are coming on tour with us, too! Isn't this great?!" He smiled broadly and dad looked like he was gonna be sick. "Um, who's Maddy?" Alex's eyes went wide. "Jack, tell me you told this girl about Maddy before, right?" He nervously shook his head and smiled sheepishly. "No.." Alex rolled his eyes and sat next to me. "Well, technically she's the reason why you're here..." Alex laughed. "She's not my mom, though, right? Dad, don't tell me you lied about who my mom is?!" He laughed and shook his head. "NO! Dylan was your mom." I took a deep breath. "Then, who's Maddy? And how is she the reason I'm here?" He shrugged and plopped on the couch with a remote. "Just some girl i was completely in love with since i laid eyes on her..." My jaw dropped and Alex smirked. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Then, why did you get with Dylan?" He flipped through the channels with a blank stare. "I was angry and upset with her. I didn't like how she could give me all these feelings and not even know it. So, i got drunk and did the thing that i knew she would hate me for doing. I thought-..." He sighed and tried again. "I thought if she knew she drove me to that point, she would see how i felt. Obviously, it was a stupid idea. But, i don't regret having you, Des. I just wish i would've ran after her that day.." He cleared his throat and stood up. "I'll give you whatever advice you want tomorrow. Night." I watched him dissapear into his bunk again and turned to Alex. "So.." I trailed. He smirked. "'So' what?" I rolled my eyes. "I'm still a rock star-what do you think?!" He laughs (A/N: P!NK reference because you know..bae.) "I hope you realize we have to get them back together!" He shrugged. "I don't know, baby Barakat. This one's a toughy..." He frowned. "Come on, Lex! I know you. You wouldn't let this go by without having a plan up your sleeves!" He slowly smiled. "I'm one step ahead of ya'!" I smiled and high-fived him. "Awesome! Let me make a tweet and i'm headed to bed. What do i say to Dylan if i even run into her?" He shook his head. "Nothing. Just walk away. She's bad news. She'd ruin everything for you. She ruin's things like it's her job. Trust me, she really isn't the company you'd wanna keep." I frowned and nodded. He stood up and lifted my chin. "But, she is your mom so, just try and be nice about it, 'kay?" I nod and he waves and leaves the back, also disappearing into his bunk with Emily. I sighed and walked off the bus, shutting and locking the door behind me. I took out my phone and began the walk to my bus, sending out a tweet on the way.

@HalloweDes: He has no idea

Those words could mean so much to me but, nothing to anyone else. I sighed again and put it away climbing onto my bus. The girls and Tehran must be sleep because all the lights were off. I slowly made my way to my bunk and went inside. Lately, i've been having trouble sleeping. I could never get more than 3 hours. I blame that on all the stress i've been having lately. But, tonight was different. I felt exhausted somehow. Before i knew it, i was out like a light.

(A/N: You guys might hate me after this but the next few chapters are gonna be flashbacks again. I know, i know. But i need to fill you in on what's going on, right? Anyways, pic above is Dylan in the flashbacks to now. continue...)

~Dylan's p.o.v~

It's been about 13 years since we started up Dare For 100 and I'm super excited. Why you ask? Because I get to drink all my problems away tonight. So, here I am. Alone. At a shaggy, street-side bar, sipping on tequila. I know, I know. 'You should never get drunk alone.' I had no choice. My ex-bestfriend Madison didn't even want to come with me. I remember the day that we got signed so perfectly. It's almost like it was yesterday.


"Patiently i was waiting..just waiting for this day to come. To say how much i hated those days, yeah each and everyone. But i made it out alive I'm here..." I was currently performing with Max in our usual spot. I see the same thing every day. We play one set take a break and see brand new faces watching us for the next one. Sometimes it makes me sad to see that we have no people that come back for every performance. But, today there was one guy who did. Although, it did make me feel great..it was kinda creepy. Max strummed the last few chords and people began to clap and slowly die down. "Thanks, guys! We will be back in 5 minutes!" People began to clear out and then it was empty. I started helping clean up for our next set.

"Excuse me-" People do this same thing all the time. They try to persuade me that i suck at what i do. So NOT true! I know we rock! Don't hate us 'cuz you ain't us! Okay, i'm never saying that again. "Hey, look buddy..we are going to do another show in 5 whether you like it or not! I'm not here to please you! I'm here because i wanna be, not because you want me to be. So, maybe you should kiss my-" I didn't know why i was saying this all of a sudden. Before, i would have just went and cried. "Woah, woah! I'm not here to stop you, I'm here to sign you." I looked at the man to see it was the same dude that came to every one of our sets the past 2 weeks. His hair was neatly done but his ripped skinnies and denium button-up over a black v-neck through off the whole look and added more of an edge. Max came up next to me. "Hey, Dylan! Who's he?" I sighed. "Some manager, i guess." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"How can i help you?" He put his hand out for us to shake. "I'm Jack Doe.." I chuckled lightly even though I'm pretty sure nothing was funny. "Well, that doesn't sound made up at all." I mumbled under my breath while Max shook his hand. "Dylan, be nice." She scolds. How the FUCK--"I must have came at a wrong time.." I snorted. "No shit, Shorlock! Every time is a wrong time for me! Sorry, not sorry! Okay, now buh-bye" I wasn't trying to be mean it's just today seriously was the day my life became hell. "Will you give us like 1 sec, i need to talk to Dylan really quick..okay, thanks!" She grabbed me by my arm and drug me to the bathroom, locking the door. "WHAT THE HELL, DYLAN?!" I ignored her screaming and replied back calmly. "I don't trust him, Max. He seems like a complete dick." She sighed. "You're the one who's acting like a dick right now, Dylan!" I rolled my eyes and groaned. "But i don't wanna be nice to him!" I whined, stomping my foot. She gave me the look. "Ugh! Fine! Whatever, i'll be nice." She smiled triumphantly. "Thank you!" "Yeah,yeah whatever." We walked back out to see he was gone but our crowd was back. "Hey, guys! This song is called frozen.." (A/N: I made up this song on the spot so it may be slightly cringey) Max began to strum the chords. "When you feel your feet drag on the ground..you know, i will be around..."

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