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Destiny's p.o.v.~
Kat groaned and walked in the house slamming the door. "It's impossible! There is no way to make it up! Both my parents are giving me the silent treatment." She sighed and face-planted onto the couch next to me. "Good morning, come right into my house like you live here. It's cool, it's not like we care." I joked, trying to lighten the mood. She picked her face up and narrowed her eyes at me. "Not the time for fricken jokes, Des! This is a serious situation! What are we gonna do?!" She huffed and sat up next to me, leaning her head on the back of the couch. "Relax. Everything is gonna be fine. They'll forgive us...I know they will." River came out of the kitchen with Claire close behind. "Okay, do any of you knock or..?" I joked again. What can I say? It's in my blood. I'm made from a dude who can never take anything seriously. River scoffed and rolled her eyes and sat on the couch in front of us all, Claire sat next to me cautious in the process. I don't know why but, she's been really jumpy lately. "How?! I haven't seen any 'I'm sorry I completely shitted on your trust and practically spit in your face' cards at Hallmark! If so, I haven't gotten any, niether did you!" Claire jumped at my sudden outburst, I shot her a small apologetic smile and eyed Riv. "I DON'T KNOW, OKAY?!" She stood up and so did I, getting in her face balling up my fist. "Easy, guys. Let's not turn on each other. We all did this. Let's all just calm down and take a-" River looked away from me at Kat and sighed in defeat. "Whatever. I'm gonna go get some air." She bumped into me, I jumped at her ready to pounce but, Claire held me back. "Let her go..she needs a break." I nodded and sighed watching her leave with another door slam. Claire jumped and I put a hand over hers. Kat and I eyed Claire, pleading her to go with River. She sighed giving in and followed with, shocker, another door slam. My dad came downstairs. "Will you stop with the fucking slamming?! Damn! Some of us don't need to get drunk to have a headache!" I walked over to him tears in my eyes. "I'M SORRY, OKAY?! I'M SORRY, I DRANK! I'M SORRY, I GET ON YOUR NERVES! I'M SORRY, I DON'T LISTEN TO YOU! I'M SORRY, MOM LEFT! I'M JUST SO FUCKING SORRY, DAD! I UNDERSTAND! I GET IT...you don't love me like you used to. But, you don't need to make me feel anymore shitty than I already do, okay?" The last part came out as more of a squeak than a whisper, but whatever. I couldn't keep my voice together anymore. I knew I was gonna break down, I could feel the sobs scratching my throat pleading to be released. I gulped it down as best I could, I've always been daddy's little soldier. But, lately I'm not so sure. His face dropped and he pulled me in tight for a hug. "Destiny Hardin Barakat, you listen to me and you listen good.." He demanded, his voice wavering a bit and a sniffle followed soon after. "I love you with every fiber of my being. Don't you dare, think or let anyone tell you otherwise. You don't get on my nerves. I guess its in your D.N.A. so, i'm used to it." He chuckled and I giggled, waiting for him to continue. "But, that's not the point. True, it's been hard for me since your mom left you with me. And yeah, dealing with a teenage girl isn't easy for a single dad. But the thing is, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love you for you, I don't care how difficult, annoying, or stubborn you can be. You're my best friend. And I get the gift every day to call you my daughter. I get to be the guy who says 'Yeah, that amazing drummer, that's my little girl.' Yeah, I know you don't think you're my little girl anymore but, I changed your diapers so give me something to hold on to." We laughed again and he held me out arms length by my shoulders, looking me in the eyes. "You're mine. No matter what, I'll always be your dad and nothing, and I mean nothing, is ever gonna change that." I smiled and he wiped the tears from my eyes. "But you're still grounded." He laughed and I smiled wide. I hugged him as tight as possible him squeezing me the same way maybe even tighter back. "I love you, daddy." I felt him kiss my hair and lay his head over top of it. "I love you too, baby girl." He tried to pull away but I held him tighter. "Just-...don't let go yet..., okay?" I looked up to see him smiling back at me. "Wasn't planning on it." I smiled brighter and kissed his cheek. "Promise?" He sighed and nodded. I pointed my finger at him. "Say it!" I taunt. He laughs and nods again. "Okay, okay! Promise." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Always?" He smiled probably remembering when we would do this all the time when I was younger. "And forever.." I hugged him again, smiling in content. "By the way, you're my best friend too, dad." He clapped childishly and squealed. "Awesome!" I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Aww!" We both turned, seeing Claire, Riv, and Kat with their phones out facing us. They all had tears in their eyes..oh brother. "That was the most adorable father-daughter moment ever!" I rolled my eyes at Claire's fangirl outburst. "Shouldn't you guys be...I dont know, biting one another or something?!" They shook their heads smiling. "By the way 'father-daughter' moments, are only supposed to be between the father and daughter, right?" Dad questioned sarcastically. They all shrugged and kept recording. Kat even had the balls to walk over to us for a close-up. On impulse, I smacked the phone out of her hands. This resulted in me bolting out of the house and down the street. Ah, good times.


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