"We All Lost"

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~Riv's p.o.v.~

"No fair! You guys cheated!" Jaime whined. I rolled my eyes and laid my legs across Tony's lap. He blushed and wrapped an arm around me. "Oh, quit whining. It's almost impossible to cheat in Monopoly." Dad stated laughing. I smirked and he glared at me. "Jaime, please stop staring at my girlfriend like that..it's fricken weird. " Tony sighs. I giggled and kissed his cheek. He blushed and kissed my temple. "Okay, that's enough. I think I've been scarred enough for today." Mike mumbled. I stuck my tongue out at him and Des came back in from her phone call. "So..?" She smiled. "I feel..good. Great actually!" She smiled broadly. I got up and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "I knew you could do it! Nice job, babe!" Before you ask, no me and her aren't together, nor am I gay. But we all just call each other names like that from time to time. I go out with the adorable turtle that is Ceaser Antonio Soto Perry. I wonder if his parents know what a awesome, adorable, cute, funny, sexy human being they brought into the world. Well, not sexy in their eyes I hope. "Thanks! So, who won?" We all looked at Jaime and he pouted. "No one. We all lost." I groaned and rolled my eyes. Sore loser. The door opened and Kat came inside with the guys carrying Claire. "What the hell?!" We ran over and helped get her to me and Tony's bunk. It's mainly his though cause i mostly sleep on HD's bus. I shut the curtain and turned around. "Let's go out there.." They all nod. I walked back out and everyone followed behind. "What happened?!" I looked at Alex since he semed like the only one not pissed at this point. He turned to Vic instead. "You need to go talk to your 'friend' Kellin under control." He furrowed his brows and walked outside. "Can someone tell us what the hell is going on?!" Des screamed. I put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down a bit. She took a few deep breaths and looked at Kat, waiting for an explanation. "Maybe we should go talk outside..." We nodded and I looked back at Claire's sleeping frame. "She'll be fine. We'll watch her." Jack smiled. "As if that's gonna make me feel better." I joked walking off behind the girls. "Okay, well you guys know how lately Kellin has been acting like a complete-" Des stopped her before she could rant. "Yeah, we know. He yelled at us about eating the last pop tarts on their bus." I rolled my eyes and looked back at Kat. "Go on." She took a few deep breaths before continuing. "Well, that dipshit practically broke up the band over a stupid fight between him and Justin. Him and Justin quit and are going home! Claire witnessed it all and passed out outside. Luckily, me and the guys just came from lunch with Moms and Jack caught her before the ground could do any real damage."

"Shit." Des finished.  She nodded solemnly. "Right." Des' face went crossed and she balled up her fists. "Well, what are we waiting for?!" Me and Kat looked at each other then back at her. "What?" She sighed annoyed and dragged us towards the SWS bus. "Let's go get that asshole and fix this." Kat and i exchanged worried looks but followed behind reluctantly. "I don't-" She stopped and glared at me. "You don't what, Riv?! You don't want to help your sister..your bandmate...your best-fucking-friend?!" Tears dripped down her jacket but her face was still cross. "Destiny, it's not that-" She furiously wiped away her tears. "NO! You know what?! Save it! I don't want to hear shit you have to say, Riv! If you don't want to help me, fuck it. I'll do it myself!" She ran and I tried to stop her. "DES! DES FUCKING STOP, OKAY?! IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! PLEASE, JUST LISTEN TO ME!" She stopped abruptly and spun around marching toward me once again. Shit. That was just the raindrop before the storm. "I'm not gonna sit here and listen to your petty excuse of why you wont help the sweetest, most innnocent human beings I have ever met in my entire life! She almost died! Her and Kat! I almost lost them once and I promised myself I would never do it again! So, I am going to go in there and fix this with or without you. So, don't even think about stopping me." I stood there in shock as she was seethingly glaring daggers, killing me with her gaze. "I'm coming with you." Kat stepped next to Destiny with tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks. I sighed and thought it over, looking back at the bus. She'll be fine. My conscience said reassuringly. Go and fix this. I gave a curt nod and looked back to see them waiting anxiously. "Okay, let's do this." Des smirked and led the way once again to the bus.

~At the bus~

Once the bus came into view, I saw my dad stomping off of it slamming the door and mumbling under his breath. "Dad!" He looked up and his eyes locked with mine. "H-hey, girls! What are you-"

"We came to see douche and smack the hell outta him." Des tried to push past him but I pulled her back. "What she meant to say was, we came to see Kellin." He chuckled a little and nodded stepping aside. I was about to climb on until I felt an arm pull me back. I turned and saw Tony with a woried look. "Tone? What are you doing here?" He looked from the bus back to me. "Better question, what are you doing here, Riv?" I shrugged and he let go so I turned all the way around to face him. "We came to talk some sense into Kellin." He frowned. "You never told me you were leaving to come here! There's no way you're going in there! He fought with everyone and almost got abusive with both Justin and Vic! I can't risk you getting hurt!" I sighed and kissed his cheek. "I'll be fine, babe. Trust me." He pouted and sighed. "Fine, fine. But I'm coming with you." I giggled and rolled my eyes. "Always the hero, huh?" He nodded cheekily and I kissed the tip of his nose. "RIV!" I jumped and turned. "We'll be there in a sec!" I leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. I took a deep breath before opening the door. Everything's gonna be fine, right?


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