"Right Here"

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So,this is a new book. This is the first one i have for the whole "Adopted" idea that i see and read a lot of. I wanted to get a newer idea on it. With a twist. But, hope you like it! That picture is of Claire Sorry if i ruin your version of her. BUT, Without further ado. The first Chapter!


Claire's P.O.V.~

He slammed the door and clicked the lock shut. I crawled into the corner and let the tears fall. I guess it's what i get. We've been stuck here for 5 years now, i'm surprised i'm not used to it. Some things i learned when i first got here was A, to always keep quiet until he leaves. He would be angry and get abusive again if we didn't. B, The lights always stayed off so i never saw his face so, if I ever do get out of this place, I definitely better keep my mouth shut and stay alert. Honestly, i wouldn't want to even see his face nor speak with him anyway. He stole me from my family. Sure, they weren't all that great but still, they were all I had. And he took that from me. Why would he take that from me? Anyway, I'm fifteen now and i got here when i was ten. I don't remember how or what had happened. That would explain the bump and dried up blood running down my neck. I looked up and into the darkened corner to my right. There, sat a tiny hole in the wall with a lens and a small microphone fed through. I glared slightly but remembered to mind my attitude and quickly retreated to staring down at my feet. C, He had cameras to keep his eyes on us. To make sure we wouldn't try anything stupid, i guess. The door flew back open and i moved as far back as i could into the corner. I feared that he saw what I had done and was coming back for round 2. Please, go away. Please. Katerina and River came flying in and cowered back into fetal positions as well. I haven't seen them in weeks. "Stay here. If you make a noise..." He shook the gun in his hand with a look that could kill just as much and went out, slamming the door behind him once more. "What's g-going on?" I whimpered. Riv came over and hugged me the best she could. "I think they finally found us, Claire. We're free." I shook my head and cried into her shoulder. "No..N-no, we aren't. He said we can't make any noises, remember? How would they even know we're here?" Katrina was the youngest of us all. She was only twelve. He doesn't do anything that he does to us towards her though. He just hits her and makes her serve him like a slave. I grind my teeth at the very thought. He stole her childhood away from her because he wanted some play thing that feared him too much to leave. God, i wanna kill him for that. She is the only one who's seen his face but hates to talk about it. I would too if I was her. "Come here, Kat. It's gonna be okay, i promise." Riv held her arms open, beckoning her to come closer. Kat gave a weak smile and crawled over. We all sat there in each others arms, hoping that we'd make it out alive. "I almost forgot. Happy Birthday, Riv." She gave us both a light squeeze and kisses our heads. "It will be..soon." The door busted open and i clenched my eyes shut, afraid of what came next. "Police, is anyone in here?!" I slowly opened my eyes to only shut them again from the bright flashlights. "We're over here!" Kat's voice was hoarse and small from not using it that loud before. She has only been here two years but, he still managed to break her. "Oh my God! Get one of the paramedics in here, quickly!" They picked us up bridal style and carried us outside. I've never been in fresh air, let alone light, for a while now. It felt amazing. "Are you okay, ma'am?" I frowned and touched my cheek, wiping away a tear. I didn't even realize i was crying. "Y-yes. Where are my sisters?" He sat me down on the gurnie and nodded behind him. "Right here." Kat walked in and sat next to me holding my hand. "Are you okay?" I worried. She nodded. "I managed to hide for a while under the cabinets, he didn't find me until they came. I'm fine. What about you, Claire? How are you?" I shrugged and winced. "I'm..good..better than that, i'm great! I survived!" She smiled and we both watched as Riv was being questioned. "Did they already ask you questions?" I wondered, watching River closely. Kat shook her head. "Nah, but, i should go tell them what i know. I'll be right back." I smiled. "I'll be here." I joked. She giggled and walked to a police officer. "Hello, my name is Alisa and i am your nurse and caregiver." I waved and gave a small smile. "We are going to fix you up back at the hospital-" I shook my head. "I'm not going anywhere without my sisters." She nodded. "I understand, they are both going to the hospital as well. I can manage to get you into the same room if you would like?" I nodded and grinned. "I would love that. Thank you." She smiled and cleared her throat. "We should be leaving very shortly and they will meet us there..." She got out and walked over to Riv and checked up on her. Without warning, the ambulance doors shut and the engine started up. I could see a little from the back window. The whole warehouse was covered in Police. I saw a Paramedic come over and re-open the door. "Okay, Katrina. You two are going to share this Ambulance. We would put River in here too, but, there isn't enough room." He slid her in on the gurnie and hopped inside, shutting the door behind him. He sat down in a seat and buckled up. I looked over at Kat and reached my hand out for hers. She grinned and grabbed it. I slowly felt sleep tug at my eyes. I didn't want to but i soon fell asleep.


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