And then finally.A road.

Would it be bad if I ended it here?Nah I'm not that evil.Continue.

I gulped as I saw a car whiz by.I smiled.We can get home after all.

"Carter,maybe we can get a ride from one of these cars passing by"I suggested as we stood on the side.I looked up and down .Nothing was coming.

"I don't think that's a good idea,Yaz.Hitchhiking is dangerous.I don't want you getting hurt.I don't want to not be able to protect you.Let's just find it on our own."

I sighed."Carter,it will be fine.I'm sure these people won't be serial killers.Calm down and help me wave one over."

"No"He said loudly.

I rolled my eyes.Can this boy get anymore annoying?Like geesh.

"You.Are.Over.Reacting.Chill a lil bit"I said in a soothing voice patting his back.

He sent me a death glare.Yikes.I moved my hand away.

"Im serious.I'm not getting in a car with a stranger."Carter replied folding his arms.

I shrugged."Alright.You can stay here while I get a ride.Is that okay with you,chicken?"I asked,amusement playing on my lips.

"This isn't funny,Yasmin.I just don't want anything bad to happen.To me.Or you."He whispered the last part.

I leaned toward him and cupped his face with my hands.

"Dont be scared for me, Carter.You can't live like that.Its not healthy.So what if something bad happens?That's life."

Carter inhaled and exhaled slowly.I let go of his face and smiled.

"You okay now,sir?"I teased.

"Yeah"he blushed,looking at the ground.I laughed,pulling his arms so we could cross and walk up the road.No cars were coming so we might as well spend our time wisely.

"Yazmin,do you think that I could ever have a girlfriend? "

I looked at him like he was crazy.

"Of course.Why?"

"Its just never worked out.Girls just use me for sex.Because at first I wanted to find love and be with someone.Then I realized the girls who went out with me just loved my body.So I stopped searching and went with the flow.If girls can use me as objects why cant I do the same,y'know?"

I nodded as he talked.How can anyone not see how great of a guy Carter is?He's so sweet and kind.Wow,teenagers these days just don't know what their missing.I wish I could be with someone like Carter.Then maybe I would finally have someone who loves me.

"Your so easy to read sometimes,Yaz."Carter chuckled.


"I mean,the way you knit up your brows,your eyes looking around...And I keep wondering when will she finally be confident and tell me that she wants to be with me no matter what?"

I closed my eyes and breathed.This boy has really got to stop.Lord if your listening please make him stop That's all I ask,Dear Jesus.Let him stop bringing us up.I don't want to be in a relationship with an 18 year old.Please let him understand.

"Talk about us one more time and I will knee you in your ball sack.Play with me."I muttered looking him dead in the eye.

But he wasn't even flustered by it.We stopped in our tracks. Carter took my hand and pulled me toward him.

"Ill take my chances."He whispered, pushing my hair back.

Do not react to his touch.I repeat.Do not react.

"You better get your hands off of me Carter or Ill-"Ow.He tugged my hair.

"Have you ever been educated?Do not mess with a black girls hair!"I screamed.I started attacking him with my hands.Carter laughed .

What the hell was so funny?

I stopped."What?"I panted.

"I don't know.Your just so beautiful.And when your mad at me it just turns me on."

I looked up.Carter was smling and looking over at me.I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

He he Carmin love :3
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If I do the schedule it would probably be Sat/Sun and Thurs/Fri

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