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The end was near. The end of Estelle anyways.

Reinice and I were at my studio getting ready for prom, my makeup and hair crew were helping us get ready, much to Reinice and Charlize's excitement

"So this is what it feels like to be famous." Reinice said, admiring herself in the mirror. I smiled, looking over at her.

She turned to me. "Are you upset to give up Estelle?" She asked. "Technically, you have a couple more weeks with her if you decide to stay until graduation." She reminded me.

I snorted. "No worries, I am totally done with her. I can't wait until this is over. It was fun for the moment, but I need my life back."

She smiled. "It's gonna take some getting used to."

I scoffed. "Some? Wait until the paparazzi start getting on you two. Your privacy is done if you hang with me. Especially after tonight, my whole disguise episode is going to bring a lot of publicity." I informed her.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "At least I'm pretty."

Charlize and I laughed. "But I'm clearly the prettier one." Charlize said.

Reinice rolled her eyes. "Let's go get dressed. We have some boys to stun."

Leo was in the studio somewhere working with my dad until we were ready. I assumed Charlize and Reinice's dates were with them.

By the time we were dressed and ready, it was almost six o clock. I followed the girls out of my dressing room and down the hallway. I could see our limo from the window sitting in front of the studio doors.

The guys were all standing outside by the vehicle. I'd given Leo the job of telling Jason why he was meeting Charlize outside Gem Records. I didn't know who Reinces date was, but he would get to know as well.

My father was the first to turn. He smiled and came inside, stopping at the entrance. "You girls look so lovely." He complimented.

The girls giggled. "Thanks Mr. Evans." They chorused. I rolled my eyes, sure my dad was good looking, but he was still old.

He approached me with outstretched arms and I hugged him tight. He kissed my forehead, "Have fun." He said. "And I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too dad."

"Not too much fun." A voice said from my left. I turned to see Mitch coming out of the kitchen, as usual. "I'm not ready to be a godfather."

I smirked at him. "Who says you would be the godfather?" I teased. He pulled me into a hug.

"You know you love me." He said. "Now don't worry, I already gave Leo the talk so-"

I pushed him and punched his arm. "What in the world did you do that for?"

He shrugged. "It was either me or your mother." He informed me, jerking a thumb at my mother who was in the kitchen drinking coffee.

She smiled at me sheepishly, she was next to hug me. "You look great, it's nothing I've never seen before though." She said shrugging.

I rolled my eyes. She was right, but somehow today felt different from all the others. Maybe it was because I was finally relieved of Estelle, or maybe because I was going to an actual high school prom. I wasn't sure, but I liked the feeling, I was happy and free.

The doors opened, and the guys filled up the remaining space in the hallway.

Jason's eyes widened when he saw me and he smiled, waving a little. I rolled my eyes and waved back. I recognized Reinices date as one of the guys in my second period, all I knew was that he played lacrosse. He also smiled and waved.

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