A new game plan

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"Sydney was my girlfriend throughout ninth and tenth grade, she was the last girl I dated before your mother." He began. "She was an amazing singer, until she got lyme disease, it damaged her nerves and something happened to her vocal cords, she couldn't sing anymore. We used to enter into any and every talent show that was offered, we either won or placed high." He stopped to take a bite of his french toast.

My phone vibrated, it was Leo.

Can't wait to see you, what are you doing

I smiled and sent a quick reply before my father could stop me, he hated when I texted at the table.

Breakfast w/ dad cant talk

When I looked back up my father was glaring at me. "Do you want to hear the story or not?" He asked. I quickly put my phone away and laid my chin on my clasped fingers giving him my full attention.

He nodded in content then continued. "When she damaged her vocal cords, she urged me to go on by myself. I'd never performed on my own, I was so used to having her at my side. It was the last talent show of the year, I was ready, or so I thought. I started out fine, but...back then I was a little creative. Since I was performing on my own, I wanted to ensure that I would win, so I had one of my friends bring fireworks for my finale, we hadn't really practiced it and something went wrong, to make a long story short...my clothes caught on fire."

My eyes widened, I could just imagine him flailing around the stage trying to put himself out, I had to cover my mouth so he wouldn't see my smile. He pointed an accusing finger at me. "You promised not to laugh." He reminded me. "Anyways," he said once I calmed down. "Some teachers and the school nurse ran onto the stage and helped...put me...out," he said rolling his eyes. "But once they did, I was wearing khakis so I made it pretty clear that I'd...don't laugh," he warned again.

I nodded enthusiastically, encouraging him to go on. "I peed on myself."

I couldn't help it, I burst out laughing. "That...was the...most...pitiful story...I've ever heard," I said between giggles. My father glared at me, I now understood why he'd been reluctant to tell me. If I had such a story, I would never tell anybody.

He huffed and dug into his eggs. "Laugh now, but your embarrassing moment is just around the corner." He promised.

I stopped laughing and gave him a hard look, "take that back." I ordered, I couldn't imaging embarrassing myself in front of a bunch of people, never mind the whole world.

He shrugged, "I told you not to laugh."


Brandyn laughed as I recounted my fathers story to him. "That would definitely scar me for life." He agreed. "So, let's talk about you." He suggested.

We were currently skating circles around Times Square, earning looks from people since we were holding hands, I tried to ignore them and just focus on keeping myself warm.

It was kind of amusing though, the way we were confusing the world with our relationship.

"What about me?" I asked.

He gave me a pointed look. "How about we talk about how you're revealing yourself to Leo tonight. Are you scared?"

My eyes widened. "Scared? I'm terrified." I said incredulously. "I'm literally hyperventilating just thinking about it." I admitted.

Brandyn chuckled. "Well, just remember, if he rejects you, I don't mind being your rebound." He teased.

I punched his arm with my free hand. "No thanks, big stuff." I said laughing.

A Rich Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن